White Golden Retriever – Breed Information & Characteristics

White Golden Retriever

White golden retriever, is an English breed, is the perfect choice for you to make your hectic and leisure time more amazing. The puppy links its origin from England and is available in the United States as well. I will briefly describe the history, its origin, key features, and some differences among similar breeds in this article.

Whenever we think about bringing a beautiful puppy into our house, we try to find a social, well-behaved, and easy-to-train pet. The golden retriever is one of the best choices. But they are available in red or brown colors. Is it possible to find a white color Golden retriever dog from a solid background legacy?

What is the English Golden Retriever?

White and yellow golden retrievers are among the top distinct breeds of the Golden retriever family. American Golden retrievers are thought of as the forefathers of the yellowish breed while the English origin is perceived for the white class.

Some historians believe that light golden retrieves have a different legacy than thick golden ones and they belong to the U.K. instead of the United States. It is important to mention that red, white, and gold breeds are possible from both English and American origin Retriever’s class.

English Golden Retriever vs. American Golden Retriever

American Golden retriever vs English Golden Retriever

Before we deeply analyze the characteristics of the similar breeds with the White golden breed, it’s important to look at the two most similar breeds, English and American Golden Retrievers. Here is a comparative description for the both:

English Golden Retriever vs American Golden Retriever

Some Common Misconceptions, Queries, and Their Descriptions

There are some common queries and misconceptions which are described with the facts and findings.

Does the English retriever shed less than other breeds?

Overall, the Retriever’s family shed less in routine compared to other breeds. But they shed, mostly in fall and spring. You need to brush them regularly, weekly or monthly, to make your place and yard clean.

Is it true to say that white pets are healthier than golden ones?

Well! The color doesn’t impact a lot on the health of the pet.

Here are some interesting information regarding the health:

  • No glaring evidence was found regarding the good health of English pets compared to other colored dogs.
  • Two famous studies in 1998 and 2004 revealed that 61% and 38.8% of golden retrievers were affected by cancer at that time.
  • English retrievers have a life expectancy of 12 years and 3 months. On the other hand, an American retriever’s life expectancy is just below 11 years.
  • The findings didn’t mean at all that the English pets will soon die when they cross 10 years of age.
  • The life of the dog doesn’t primarily depend on the color, rather it depends on the well-being and comfort as well.
  • Nature and nurture are two important pillars that impact a lot on the life and health of the dog.

How rare are the White Golden Retrievers?

People who are looking for a pure white color will need to spend some extra time finding their desired puppy. However, light-white and cream color dogs are easily available at different spots. The breed is somewhat rare but light and cream-colored dogs can be found easily with less effort. In 1936, a cream color was officially added to the English standard.

What is the price of white or cream color pet?

You can find any colored Golden retriever between $500 to $2500 for the nearby place. The price varies a lot due to age, already trained pet, and some other factors.


If you have decided willingly to adopt a puppy from its birth without much clearance of the health and training parameters, then you will find a desired puppy for around $500. The price may fluctuate between $100 depending on some minor factors.

Pet Store

If you are looking to buy it from a reputed pet store, then the price can range up to $1000. Upbringing and the care directly impact the price of the puppy. 


If you are looking for a well-trained and social pet, then you must visit a breeder. The cost may be around $2500. The advantage of spending money will be returned in the form of an intelligent, smart, and active puppy.

Important Note

No extra charges are applied for any colored puppy. Health and training are the major deciding factors in buying any puppy.

Important Considerations While Buying a Golden Retriever Puppy

Before making a final decision regarding adopting or buying a trained puppy, you need to take a look at the following factors beforehand:

  • Make yourself ready and visit all the available pet stores or breeders, online or physically.
  • English authorities accept the cream or light brown pet as the white retriever. While the American authorities don’t accept it and consider golden color dogs only.
  • Never fall prey to anyone saying that whites will be categorized as golden retrievers by the United States AKC authority. This will not happen at all.
  • If some breeder claims good and muscular health of the retriever due to its color, then this is not the fact. Color doesn’t affect at all if we talk about the health of a puppy.
  • A dog is good or bad due to its blood and inheritance not because of its color.
  • Smart breeder will make you comfortable by showing your desired puppy playing with other ones and giving a guarantee regarding the safety of your household items.

How English Golden Retrievers Acquire Vogue

Nowadays, the English Golden Retriever has gained popularity and remains a beloved breed that captures the hearts of many dog lovers as a loyal companion rather than an exclusive hunter. They become very popular because of their stunning skill in retrieving fowl from water and land. Their natural gentleness and athleticism to carry small animals in their mouths made them more popular.

Top 3 Unique Facts About English Cream Golden Retrievers

There are many facts about English Cream Golden Retriever but here are the top three unique facts about English Cream Golden Retrievers:

1. English and American Golden Retrievers Are Slightly Different

Did you know that even though English and American Golden Retrievers belong to the same breed and are bound to the same breed standards, there are previous differences between them? English Golden typically have a larger and bulkier whereas American Goldens tend to be slimer in comparison.

2. English Cream Goldens Aren’t Calmer Than Other Retrievers

While genetics may also have some effect on their temperament, there is no scientific proof that the English Cream Golden is inherently calmer than the other varieties. Golden Retrievers from a companionship bloodline may have a calmer temperament irrespective of their coat color.

3. Golden Retrievers Are One of the Most Popular Breeds in the US

Golden Retriever is one of those dogs who captured the hearts of dog lovers across the United States they make a spot in the top 5 most popular dog breeds. Once they were the top contender for the no #1 spot but now they are holding the strong ranking position at no #4.

What are the views of different Kennel Clubs about the White Golden Retriever?

The United Kingdom and the Canadian authorities accept the different colored puppies as the Golden retrievers unlink the American Retrievers

United States

The community accepts rich golden-colored dogs only. Extreme light or dark color dogs aren’t included in the registered lists of the authorities.


Canadian authorities accept the breeds of various colors, ranging from light to dark colors. Medium-color gold is the perfect puppy. However, the other colored dogs are also acceptable on the list. If a puppy comes under the list of pre-defined colors, then it will be treated the same as the other dogs of the breed.

United Kingdom

UK’s authorities accept the dog breed’s color on the same lines as the Canadian community. Any generic shade of cream or gold color can be registered under the Golden Retriever class.

Brief History of American Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers’ origin links to Scotland where they were treated as hunting dogs by sports lovers at that time, 1868. Registration of the first class occurred in 1903 by the British Club. The boom of the said dog’s breed became vital in the United States around 1920. American Club accepted the Golden Retrievers breed in its inventory around 1932.

Golden Retriever – Temperament and Health

Golden Retrievers are among the best-suited and leading home-suited puppies due to multiple reasons. They are easy to train, social, and affectionate. Here are some important points to better cope with their temperament and make them a bit more healthy.

  • The puppies love to play outside. Make them walk or run for half an hour or above during the day.
  • The pets are active and energetic outside the home but remain calm inside the home, making them among the best choices for the home.
  • The pets love training and learn things very quickly.
  • The puppies are faithful, and affectionate, and maintain a good temperament.
  • The puppies love playing with the kids.
  • They love to spend time with their family members. So, feel disturbed and annoyed when left alone due to their social behavior.
  • Brushing is required on a weekly or monthly basis which is less compared to other breeds.

Ancestors of the White Golden Retrievers suffer some diseases like cancer, elbow and hip joint pain, etc. Regular checkups help in finding the disease in the early stages and curing it as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

The pet is quite friendly, calm, and very affectionate apart from being intelligent and a smart dog.

The dog usually lives for 10-12 years on average.

No, the pet is a small-sized dog that doesn’t exceed 22 inches.

A red retriever has 4 to 12 puppies on average.

The breed with complete red color is almost rare but golden or brown shaped puppies are somewhat common and easy to find as well.


Golden Retrievers are among the well-recognized breeds and recommended for small families living in small flats in the United States or the U.K. White golden retrievers are accepted by the U.K. and the Canadian authorities without a doubt but the United States community didn’t accept them yet. The price can range from $500-$2500, depending on bloodlines and other factors. Buy the pet and make a comfortable leisure time. 

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