strange happening to golden retriever

Something Strange Happening to Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are one of the sweetest dogs on Earth. People from all across the World have shown enormous love and affection for that intelligent and smart dog. The dog enjoys good health but does it do so for the whole year? Of, course, not! You might be thinking about your particular situation, such as “Something strange is happening to your dog!”

One of the most obvious reasons for the strange behavior of the Golden Retriever is cancer. A study elaborates that more than 60% of Golden Retrievers die due to cancer. Other diseases like hip and joint dysplasia may not be fatal but they are good enough to cause severe pain to your dog. What’s the solution? In this article, we will discuss in detail about possible reasons and mitigation measures to tackle the situation well!

Signs of Strange Behavior of Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are known as friendly dogs, but there is a possibility that can become aggressive if they don’t get enough attention or training from their owners. Any sudden increase in aggressive behaviors or growling should be taken seriously as this could be an indication of health issues or anxiety.

When your lovely puppy starts snapping or growling, you should immediately try to find out the difference in its behavior, context, and body language. For your better understanding, we are sharing two somewhat similar situations but they have different connotations. 

A deep growl with baring teeth indicates that they want a stoppage of anything that bothers them. On the other hand, when it’s high-pitched, light grunting then it is an indication that they want to get something. Interesting? 

The environment can also affect aggression in dogs. Longer exposure to outdoor conditions such as sunburn can result in skin issues and allergies. They can escape their yards through fence breaks or weak fences.

strange happening to golden retriever

Reasons For Strange Behavior

Lack of Sleep

Your golden retriever may have been spinning while asleep or standing up, and this might seem strange to you. But hold your breath as it could be an early indicator that something bad has happened to their health. 

Spinning can indicate an ear infection or vestibular system issue. Both are responsible for assisting the dog in controlling the balance of the complete body. Is it a serious thing? If the dog does it very often or rarely, then you just need to relax. Otherwise, you should immediately visit a vet to settle down the issue.

Role of Genetics

Genetics also play an important role in bad health and even early death of the dog. If we take everything constant, e.g. environment, diet, and exercise sessions, still there is a probability of deteriorating health of the Golden Retriever. You will observe that something strange is happening to your Golden Retriever and it may not be available to you soon.

Fear and Anxiety

Traumatic or fearful experiences may also trigger “fear aggression,”. If your Golden retriever seems more defensive or aggressive than usual, a full veterinary exam should be scheduled immediately. As a companion and loving friend to your dog, it’s your responsibility to thoroughly monitor the behavior of your dog so that it can remain comfortable for the maximum time.

Puppies tend to take an interest in their feces when teething. The obvious reason for such a behavior is either its strong smell or because they find chewing it pleasant. A veterinarian can provide your puppy with an appropriate diet to prevent problems like gum disease or tooth decay.

Separation Anxiety At Times

Golden Retrievers are social dogs. They feel depressed, worried or anxious when left outside for long periods. In the end, you will see a prominent change in their overall behavior, and barking, howling, or chewing will become second nature. A veterinary professional can assist in finding ways to reduce separation anxiety in your puppy while teaching appropriate behaviors.

Lack of Exercise and Simulation

Golden retrievers are beloved family dogs known for their energy and desire to play, get attention, and run around. These social dogs enjoy spending time with family members or playing in the yard. But lack of exercise, and mental and physical stimulation can cause bad gestures like chewing things, urinating on things, and jumping up people.

Your lovely pet, the Golden Retriever, is running here and there in the house and yard without any issue. One fine morning, you observe that something strange has happened to your dog. How? It can’t move quickly. Well! It can happen due to multiple reasons.

Eating Unhealthy Items

Golden retrievers tend to carry items in their mouths due to their genetics as hunting dogs. This could include anything from toys, kitchen towels, and newspapers on the table. Well! Beware of the health of your dog as when it eats something bad, then it can suffer severe pain for weeks or so.

Tumor or Cancer Chances

Rebhun’s team discovered that the Golden Retriever-based variant of HER4 tested by their researchers can act like a tumor. It can be a major cause for the growth of the cancer in your lovely pet or act as a tumor suppressor, slowing it down.

Hip Dysplasia and Joint Issues

Hip dysplasia is another frequent health concern for golden retrievers. During said disease, ball-and-socket joints of a dog’s hips do not form correctly. This condition can be very painful and may result in joint failure that no longer serves its function properly. Don’t take the said issue casually as it can affect badly on other parts of the body as well. 

Hypothyroidism may result in decreased body temperature, weight loss, tail thinning and thickening, decreased activity levels, and seizures. Seems normal? But it’s not as these diseases can be fatal.

Adoption of Unhealthy Puppy

Responsible breeding practices may help to minimize genetic diseases like subaortic valvular stenosis (SAS), which occurs when fibrous tissue slowly forms within the heart and blocks blood flow preventing its normal operation.

Difficult Recovery with the age

Golden retrievers are energetic dogs who require lots of daily physical exercise. Without enough activity, they become destructive and unhappy. But if your Golden starts favoring one leg over another, then it could be an early indicator of arthritis or hip issues in older dogs. So give rest to your dog and go through all possible tests to find out the exact cause. 

Golden retrievers, large breed dogs, are generally known to enter their senior stage around 8 years of age. If your Golden has suddenly started bumping into furniture and struggling in low-light environments, that could be a big sign he’s getting older.

Researchers examined DNA from over 300 Golden retriever dogs that had lived to age 14 and compared it with dog, DNA samples taken from those that died before 13 or before 14. They discovered that variants of HER4, known to either drive cancer growth or stop it, were visible in longer lives among these golden retrievers.

Bloating Issues and Problems

Golden retriever puppies can also be susceptible to bloat, which has the potential to kill 30 percent of affected dogs. Responsible breeding and regular physical exams are the most effective ways to solve this problem and ensure it does not arise again.

Overall Decrease in Life Expectancy

Lappin noticed early in his veterinary career that many of his Golden Retriever patients lived well into their teens and could remain with their families for nearly a lifetime. At around 1900, something changed drastically. Goldens weren’t living a long life which were they enjoying before.


What is the most common disease among Golden Retrievers?

They may suffer from cancer in most of the cases as it is fatal.

Can genetics play a role in the early deaths of Golden Retrievers?

If everything else is constant but still genetics has the potential to cause pain and suffering to the dog.

How will I know that something strange has happened to the Golden Retriever?

Golden Retriever will become more aggressive, growl, or bark excessively and it can favor walking or running on one leg at times.

How can I cooperate with the dog to recover early?

Provide your dog with a complete rest, for a day or so. Visit the vet for necessary advice.


Golden Retrievers can quickly recover from any issue, but recovery becomes difficult and often impossible when they have grown. Keep an eye out for any changes in behavior, mood, or physical appearance, and take any necessary actions as soon as they occur. Take them directly to a veterinarian if there are concerns such as heart disease or cancer symptoms if possible.

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