National Golden Retriever Day – 3rd-Feb-2025 – (Awareness Day)

National Golden Retriever Day

Golden Retriever is mostly used as a therapy dog by almost half of the dog owners in the United States. The distinguishing feature of retrieving, land and water, makes the dog unique in Europe, the United States, and Canada. Is it true that people celebrate a national day for the Golden Retriever and if so then what can be done on that day to present the dog more fashionably?

Well! On 3rd February of each year, National Golden Retriever Day is celebrated all across the World. People take their pets to the park, wear them a good dress, and do activities with them along with thousands of other Retriever dogs. In this article, we will take a deep look at the history of the breed, national day history, and some interesting information about the pet for you.

Loving Nature of Golden Retriever

People started to celebrate the National Golden Retriever Day in 2012. However, the birth of the first Retriever took place in the 19th century. Now, we celebrate the national day on 3rd February of each year.

  People went for shooting in marshal areas, water, and land, in Scotland as early as 1800. Their common dogs weren’t able to perform retrieving in water and land equally well. So, there was a question of a new breed that retrieves well in both spheres.

Due to their sniffing abilities, they are used for search and rescue on a larger scale. They are being adopted exponentially in the United States due to their patience and cool temperament. The pet is very easy to train and educate.

A lady named Kristen Shroyer felt that there was no specific day for the celebration of Retriever’s birth. She had her Golden Retriever, Quincy, due to cancer at the age of 7. She suggested March 3 but later it was decided to be February 3 of each year as National Golden Retriever Day.

Golden Retrievers now take a role in different movies like Bound and Napolean. A Retriever named Kira saved two other dogs in the ice. The pet’s popularity increased exponentially after this brave effort which was shown on the media as well.

Timeline for National Golden Retriever Day

Here is a quick detail for timelines of recent events and some events from the early days of Retriever’s birth.

February 3, 2019

In Colorado, more than 1000 Golden Retrievers were gathered by their owners to celebrate their national day. The event was unique and contained a lot of fun activities.

February 3, 2022

On that day, the first-ever national day of the breed was celebrated. The idea was floated by a lady named, Kristen, who designated the day to the birth of her favorite dog. She had lost her pet due to cancer.

Golden Retriever Club of America

This was the club in its unique form for the American people which was founded in 1938. The purpose of this club was to introduce loyalty, cool temperament, energetic abilities, and easy trainability features to the rest of the World.

First Breed in Scotland

Scotland will always be remembered as the birthplace of this marvelous breed. The Golden Retriever was born in 1800 as a hunting dog that knows retrieving as well.

Why People Love Golden Retrievers

A study shows that there are approximately 5 lac to 7.5 lac registered Retriever pets in the United States alone.

Here are some other interesting information that will explain why people love this breed:

Therapist During Depression

Bring the Retriever to your home if you are passing a depression phase. The dog how to please its owner and keeps him busy as well by doing a lot of adventurous things at home.

Tracking Ability

The pet easily tracks various things without any unnecessary pain or effort. You just need to tell your dog to do the desired tracking and it will do it for you in almost no time.

Easy Training

Golden Retriever training isn’t hard at all. You can teach the dog in just a few months from a tight training schedule that is run daily.

A Family Pet

People can’t risk aggressive dogs being in their homes as they harm their family members, especially kids, and tear up different items as well. Golden Retriever has proven its temperament for years and that’s why it is adopted as a family pet recently.

Flexible with other Pets

The pet doesn’t enter the space of existing pets in the home, making him a good puppy. So, if you want to place multiple types of pets under the same roof, then Golden Retriever will help you fulfill your dream.

Some Interesting Facts About The Retriever

  • The Time claims that Golden Retrievers maintains the credit of being the first puppy whose image was uploaded on Instagram.
  • Almost half of the population in the United States uses it as a therapy dog.
  • 56 kph is the maximum speed of any Retriever to date.
  • 29-34 kg weight for males and 25-29 kg weight for females has been noted so far.
  • The dog sheds almost twice a year and maintains itself under high-shedding dogs.

Top 5 States for the Golden Retriever

  • California
  • Texas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina

Key Features of the Golden Retrievers

  • The dog lives an active lifestyle and isn’t dull at all.
  • A two-layered coat of the dog protects it from water and keeps it warm as well.
  • The color of the fur becomes dark in the passing years.
  • The loyalty and affection of the dog aren’t questionable.
  • The pet is very easy to train.
  • The breed is known as the fourth smartest breed after border collies, poodles, and German shepherds.
  • They are graded at the third spot as far as popularity is concerned.

Days of National Retriever Golden


February 3



February 3



February 3



February 3



February 3



National Golden Retriever Day is celebrated on February 3 of each year. A lady, who lost her dog due to cancer, took the initiative to dedicate a day to celebrate the birth of the Golden Retriever dog. You can take your pet to a swimming pool or a park or even adopt a new one on the special day of said breed. Try to celebrate the breed’s date to make the event more amazing!

Frequently Asked Questions

The celebration started with hundreds of dogs in 2012 and now it has reached up to thousands of participants.

You can give the special food, one liked by the pet, to your Golden Retriever or take him to the park or yard so that it can consume its energy.

If you are a dog lover and want to bring in an easy-to-train and temperament dog to your home, then you must adopt the Golden Retriever.

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