Irish Setter Golden Retriever Mix

Irish Setter Golden Retriever Mix

Irish Setter Golden Retriever is a mixed breed of the Golden Retriever, ranking 3rd as per American Kennel Club statistics and Irish Setter. Overall, it’s easy to train and eager to please but you can make a sudden change in its behavior as it can turn into a stubborn dog.

The breed has a good appearance and floppy ears make them unique. But unfortunately, their floppy ears make them vulnerable to ear infections. They need regular exercise and challenging tasks to remain busy and mentally stable. What else?

Well! Let’s discuss the traits of the dog one by one in detail:

Breed’s Overview

Height21-28 inches
Weight55-80 pounds
Lifespan10-15 years
ColorsBrown, fawn, red
TemperamentOutgoing, Smart, and active
Suitable forPeople have big or larger apartments and live an active life

History of Irish Setters

Irish Setters were initially developed in Ireland to assist bird hunters by detecting birds and “setting” them for shooting. Bred from Spaniels, English setters, and Gordon setters for maximum versatility on Ireland’s open terrain while remaining attentive and obedient through generations of selective breeding. They now boast beautiful red coats, making them easy to spot!

Temperament and Appearance

The dog is intelligent and athletic in temperament. It has a long silky coat that ranges from red through yellow to golden brown. It has unique and amazing characteristics, such as floppy ears, a long tail, and a lean muscular build, which make for a unique appearance.

The Golden Irish have an inherently friendly nature, thus making them perfect for single owners or families with children. Their gentle temperament allows them to bond closely with their owners and meet new people. 

Behavior With Other Animals

They usually get along well with other dogs, although some may show prey drive for smaller creatures and chase after them.

Enhance Temperament of the Dog

Golden Irish puppies are highly trainable and learn quickly. They enjoy the mental challenge and positive reinforcement of obedience training. However, basic obedience must be introduced early to the dog to build strong bonds and teach them obedience commands.

Temperament Feasibility For Larger Yards

Given their high energy level, Golden Irish Terriers make excellent companions in homes with large fenced-in yards where they can run and play freely. They can also adapt well to apartments or smaller living arrangements when they are provided with sufficient physical and mental exercise.

They make excellent companions for young children and love nannies while being open and friendly towards strangers as long as they are properly socialized as puppies. However, some breeds can have an unfortunate tendency to chase smaller pets unless trained early and consistently to prevent this from happening.


Easier to Train Due to Intelligence

Golden Retriever and Irish Setter hybrid breeds are brilliant dogs, making this hybrid breed no exception. They take commands seriously and respond well to training, although some independence might remain. Therefore, it’s essential that early training be started to build their bond with humans.

Sensitive to Left Alone Due to Intelligence

Golden Irish dogs are highly active and high-energy creatures who need lots of exercise to remain happy and content. Without enough physical activity, they may become destructive or mischievous, while separation anxiety could occur if left alone for extended periods. Therefore, we must work on basic obedience to create strong, trusting bonds with them.

Behavior With Kids

They’re great with kids and love spending time with their families. Some become so attached that they stick close to their owners 24/7!

Food and Diet

High Food Requirements As They Are Active Dogs

As with their parents, Golden Irish puppies are high-energy dogs who need plenty of exercise each day including two one-hour walks per day and playing fetch in the backyard. Due to this need for training and the large yards required for optimal living conditions, these breeds should not be recommended for apartment living.

Unfortunately, their high energy can sometimes lead to obesity. Therefore, you must monitor your diet with balanced sources such as fish oil, flaxseed, and certain meats for maximum success. Furthermore, it would help if you learned body scoring to observe his ribs and determine whether he has gained weight.

Health of the Irish Setter Golden Retriever Mix

 As with other breeds, the Golden Irish can also be susceptible to specific health conditions affecting its parent dogs.


Golden Irish Terriers are high-energy dogs that need plenty of exercise to remain content. You can harness this energy by engaging them in mentally stimulating games of fetch, frisbee, or even some leash running with you on a leash.

Since both parents were bred for retrieval work in the field, it’s no surprise that these dogs require plenty of daily physical activity to remain contented and happy. At least an hour of intense physical activity should take place each day – off-lead, preferably. A wise owner will learn how to body score their pups to monitor their health and ensure they don’t become overweight.

Golden Irish Rex dogs require both physical and mental stimulation for proper well-being. These loving family pets make great companions. Their affectionate personalities love meeting new people. Furthermore, training these lovable canines is simple, with positive reinforcement working well as a training method.


If you are considering adopting a Golden Irish, you must research both of their parent breeds to identify any health or behavioral issues within the dog. This is particularly relevant if adopting from shelter or rescue organizations where many hidden problems such as hip and elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, skin issues, and Von Willebrand’s disease can sometimes present themselves. 

At the same time, any reputable breeder will screen their animals thoroughly to ensure they do not possess such conditions.


The Golden Irish Terrier is an intelligent, eager-to-please breed that responds well to training. For optimal results, training should start as puppies so the dog can form strong bonds with its owner while learning basic obedience commands. As these dogs may be independent thinkers and sometimes stubborn, positive reinforcement training must be used consistently for the best results.

These dogs tend to thrive best with patient owners who can encourage and motivate their obedience training; leaving them alone for too long could result in destructive behavior and misbehavior. A firm and consistent training approach is required to keep them from becoming frustrated and ignoring commands. 

Special Training When Living in Small Apartments

These dogs are not good candidates for apartment living as they require physical and mental exercise to remain content and calm. They thrive best in homes with large yards where they can run around freely. Without proper stimulation, they may become bored quickly and turn destructive when boredom hits.

Early Socialization to the Dog

As this breed can be susceptible to separation anxiety, they must be socialized from an early age and trained accordingly as puppies. Regular obedience training sessions and activities designed to challenge their mental muscles should also help ease any potential separation anxiety issues.


Golden Irish Shepherds have long, thick coats that shed heavily, so brushing them once or twice weekly is crucial to maintaining their appearance and reducing dog hair in your home.

Regular brushing should help avoid tangling and loose hair accumulation. Baths should only be required if necessary, and their ears should be checked frequently to prevent infections.


What is the temperament of the Irish Setter Golden Retriever Mix?

They are friendly and loving dogs.

How long do Golden Irish dogs need to exercise in a day?

They need at least one hour of exercise in a single day.

Do Golden Irish bark a lot?

No, they bark only to make their owners alert.

Does the Irish Setter Golden Retriever mix like water?

Yes, they like water very much.


The Golden Irish is an incredible hybrid breed of two popular dog breeds, combining the playful nature of an Irish Setter with the affectionate and gentle temperament of a Golden Retriever. While this combination makes an exceptional family pet or individual companion, their Golden Irish counterpart requires regular exercise, grooming, and training to thrive and make the best companion possible.

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