When do Golden Retrievers Stop Teething?

Golden Retriever Teething

Teething is the most important phase in the Golden Retriever puppy’s life. The process starts from 3 to 4 months after the birth of the Retriever and usually, it terminates at the age of 5 to 6 months. So, when does Golden Retriever stop teething, what are the side effects, and above all what are the best possible practical guidelines to go through the process smoothly?

A puppy gets 28 baby teeth which are replaced and added by a total of 42 teeth when it becomes an adult. Sometimes the process is not as smooth as it looks. So, we need to monitor the phase critically. In this article, we will understand all possible prospects regarding the teething of a Golden Retriever.

Golden Retriever Teething Brief Description

AgeTeething Progress
0-2 weeksYou won’t see any teeth
2-4 weeksThe first teeth of the puppy become visible
3-5 weeksFangs appear and become prominent gradually
4-6 weeksPremolars appear which are stationed at the back side of the mouth
Golden Retriever Teething Chart

Potential Problems During Teething

In exceptional cases, the teething process is very smooth but usually, there are multiple issues that your puppy will likely suffer. Let’s understand them one by one and try to find out their solution as well.

Excessive Chewing

A Golden Retriever, like any other dog in the World, starts chewing soon after its birth. But when the tooth process initiates, then chewing becomes more than usual. So, it will not only give a sign of teething but it will also help to start monitoring the teeth of your puppy.


It is part of the teething phase. In the drooling phase, the puppy suffers pain in new emerging teeth and gums very often. It will show pain in different forms like excessive barking and stopping eating solid food and some similar signs. You need to take good care of your dog and provide liquid food instead of solid food.

When do Golden Retrievers Stop Teething


As we have already discussed, the teething process is very painful. It will cause panic and discomfort to the dog. You will see the following signs to guide the amount of discomfort your Golden Retrieving during teething:

  • Increased Aggression
  • Low diet 
  • Sleep time may decrease
  • Energy level decreases exponentially
  • Less socialization
  • Almost reluctant to eat solid food

Quality Food During Teething

The importance of good and quality food can’t be over-emphasized. It is very important from a very early age till it grows very old. But initially when it is teething then it’s important to provide a very high-quality food.

A healthy food for the Golden Retriever, while it’s teething, should contain calcium and protein. Try to convert food from solid state to liquid state and it will be difficult for it to chew as it would be going through a lot of pain. Instead of giving food at once or twice, provide the food 3-4 times a day in small quantities.

Treats and rewards impact positively, especially in this struggling phase. Try to provide chewing toys to your puppy as it will help him strengthen teeth muscles and counter-irritation and aggression. At times, you feel it’s facing difficulty in consuming solid food and even water, so make food like a fluid and consult the veteran if the situation escalates.

Food Types and Treats

  Got the solution but worried about the exact food? Don’t worry! We will share exact food types with you that will provide better results in a very short period.

Here are said food types along with some short descriptions:

Yummy Wet Food

At times, when a dry kibble is difficult to chew and digest then wet food comes into action. You will easily find ingredients-rich wet food that will make eating easy for the Retriever puppy. If you are thinking whether your puppy will like it or not they remain relaxed as it loves to eat yummy wet food.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are undeniably very important and easy to find. Carrots and apples are among the most effective fruits. Break said food into smaller pieces and give it to your dog. If somehow it’s facing difficulty in eating, then provide the juice to the Golden Retriever.

Raw bones

  Everybody knows about the love of the dogs for the raw bones and Golden Retriever is no exception to this. If you can find a regular-sized raw bone on daily or alternate days for your amazing puppy, then it will work very quickly as it is not only liked by the puppy rather it strengthens teeth muscles.

Dental Chews

Nowadays it’s very easy to find high-quality dental chews. They not only make your puppy comfortable for eating rather they strengthen muscles as well. They don’t cost much and you can provide dental chews to your Golden Retriever when it’s puppy.

Crunchy Kibble

Kibble is the best and most effective food type. Apart from the teething stage, it’s always good for puppies. They love to eat it and it strengthens teeth muscles very quickly.

Golden Retriever’s Dental Problems

Teeth are an important part of the body for dogs not because of their amazing looks but because it’s also a most likely spot for germs and insects to attack. If the Retriever doesn’t maintain good teeth, then it will be very difficult for it to breathe comfortably, and may suffer from various diseases.

Golden Retrievers Stop Teething

If proper care is not done, then initially plaque originates and then it turns into tartar. It not only causes discomfort to the dog but it also may become chronic if not treated well in time.

Precautionary and Prevention Measures

We have analyzed in detail that pain in teeth is quite possible. But what do before it’s happening or when it has happened?

Here are some preventative measures when your Golden Retriever is teething and when it has completed the teething process:

  • Brush daily or on alternate days as it makes the puppy happy and overall strengthens teeth and gum muscles.
  • Provide chewing toys to your dog especially when it is passing through the process of teething.
  • Closely watch plaque and tartar and if it occurs with caring methodologies applied, then consult your vet immediately. 
  • Regularly visit veterans, once or twice a month, to find out the current status, exact issues, and their remedial guidelines for the betterment of teeth.
  • Provide fluid food instead of solid food.
  • Your puppy may not eat well due to pain so make him comfortable and provide the food in small chunks after every few hours. 


A Golden Retriever starts teething from 3 to 6 months. When it’s a puppy it maintains 28 teeth and they increase to 42 when it becomes an adult. The process is painful for the dog as it faces difficulty in eating and chewing and feels a lot of discomfort. Remain patient, take good care of your dog and it will get strong teeth soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

It lasts from 3 months to almost 7 months.

Remain calm, and patient and cooperate with your puppy by providing quality food at dedicated intervals.

Yes, they may lose weight when they are 4 months old, and baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth.

Yes, there is a high chance of suffering from diarrhea when a Golden Retriever starts teething.

Although they have good teeth, still 2-3 times brushing is sufficient.

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