How Long are Golden Retrievers Pregnant? A Complete Guide

Golden Retrievers Pregnant

Nothing is more exciting than seeing your lovely Golden Retriever Pregnant. But wait a minute! How many chances do you get in a calendar year to see your dog as pregnant? You may also want to know about the heat cycles of the Retriever and most importantly how long are Golden Retrievers pregnant.

Don’t worry at all! We will answer all your queries in this article. Usually, the Golden Retriever remains pregnant for 63 days. You will see four stages in a heat cycle and you can know whether your dog has conceived or not through tests like X-rays and ultrasounds.

We will discuss each aspect, starting from the heat cycle, to the birth of a beautiful puppy, one by one, in a sequence. So, let’s start and learn briefly.

Reproduction Cycle

Before we go any further, let’s know some interesting facts about the reproducing cycle commonly known as the heat cycle. Here is some useful information regarding the reproduction cycle:

  • A female dog experiences heat cycles 2 times a year.
  • The heat cycles usually remain valid from 18 to 21 days.
  • A heat cycle contains four different stages which are Proestrus, Estrus, Diestrus, and Anestrus. 
  • The first stage, Protestrus, lasts for 9 days. During this stage, a female Retriever attracts males but rejects them until the occurrence of the second stage.
  • The second stage, estrus, lasts from 3-4 or 7-11 days. It is ready to perform mating with its male partner. 
  • The third stage, Diestrus, starts on the 14th day of a heat cycle. It won’t permit mating anymore. After that, signs of heating start disappearing.
  • A usual gap between one heat cycle and to next is approximately 6 months.

You might be wondering why it’s important to understand the heat cycle. Well! First of all, you can determine the pregnancy of the Golden Retriever after knowing its exact heat cycle. Secondly, it becomes an easy task for veterans to conduct pregnancy tests.

Telling or Guessing Pregnancy of a Golden Retriever

It’s not as simple as it is for human beings. There are no similar tests for dogs as for humans. You need to consult your veteran and go through special tests to accurately gauge the probability or chances of occurrence for a potential pregnancy. 

Hormone Test

The tests help in accurately pregnancy of the Golden Retriever when it is in 30 days of gestation. Otherwise, the tests will be credible. hormone relaxin is released from placental tissues that help in viewing the complete picture of whether a Golden Retriever has conceived pregnancy or not.


One of the cheapest ways to find out the pregnancy of the dog. When the fetus develops, full-filled sacs are generated whose presence can be seen from 21 to 35 days of gestation. The size of the membrane usually grows approximately the size of a table tennis ball in a 45-pound dog.


A perfect tool to find out the exact number of puppies and the perfect time for a cesarean. In a 42 to 45-day-old pregranent Golden Retriever, you can see spine and skull development progress. After 55 days of the process, you will get a more clear picture of the exact number of puppies.


Somewhat expensive test for a dog but considered as most effective one. It will tell you whether your Golden Retriever is pregnant or not in gestation. Mostly veterans recommend that the test must be done at least when the dog conceives and 3 weeks have passed. It will also inform you whether the fetus is alive or not.

Tests or Gauging Methods

The four most common tests will help you in calculating the pregnancy of your lovely Golden Retriever.

Golden retrievers pregnancy tests

Gestation Period – Duration of How Long are Golden Retrievers Pregnant

In one line, we can say that the gestation period is 63 days. But it’s an approximate figure. Why? Because each stage during the gestation period has a different and fluctuating duration.

A sperm may live for some days and an egg may become fertile within 48 hours. So, we can’t tell a single figure merely on mating data. We need to consult veterans and study more to get a close figure that remains valid in reality as well.

Hormonal Measurement

Hormonal measurement gives more accurate data than any other similar information.

We will see the difference in gestation length as per hormonal measurement:

  • If we calculate from the first day of diestrus, then the gestation period is 56 to 58 days.
  • If we calculate from progesterone, then the gestation period is 64 to 66 days.
  • It’s 58 to 72 days duration if we calculate when the bitch allowed its mate to breed.
  • If we compare the pregnancy of the dog with human beings, then the digit remains the same, and only the month changes. For dogs, it’s only a 9-week process which is a shorter span compared with humans. 
  • It’s better to know about the gestation process as it helps in providing a better rest place, better health and ultimately getting good puppies in the end.

Golden Retriever Pregnancy – Stages

After three weeks, the shape of the fetus changes and after termination of the third week, a veteran can see fetal heartbeats through ultrasound.

Here are a month-wise details for you:

Golden retrievers pregnant

First Month

Hormonal measurement gives more accurate data than any other similar information. Symptoms during the first three weeks are almost negligible if we talk about visibility.

However, you can guess pregnancy through the following behavior changes:

  • Your Golden Retriever will demand and eat more food.
  • Nipple size will increase.
  • You will see exponential growth in its affection level.
  • More visible vaginal discharge occurs mostly in the fourth week of the gestation process.
  • Overall, the physical activity of the Golden Retriever will decrease when it’s pregnant.
  • Morning sickness will become more visible.

Second Month

The development process starts at full throttle.

Here are some developments on the mentioned days:

  • Eyelids form on the 32nd day.
  • Toes become visible on the 35th day.
  • Claws form on the 40th day.
  • Skeleton and coat form on the 45th day.
  • On the 58th day, your Golden Retriever will try to find a nest place.
Golden retriever pregnancy

Visibility of Pregnancy Signs

By this stage, you will be able to know that your Golden Retriever has gone through the pregnancy phase.

  • A very prominent diet requirement.
  • A huge increase in the weight, approximately, 20 to 50 percent.
  • The urine process will increase significantly.
  • A distinguishing change in the behavior of the Golden Retriever.
  • Odorless and a more clear vaginal discharge.
  • You will see a firm abdomen when the process completes day 50.
  • Appetite decreases immediately after day 45.
  • Puppy movement also becomes clear after day 50.

Feeling excited? Yes, you will see clear changes in the behavior of your lovely pet and get a clear picture through ultrasound during the second month of pregnancy.

Third Month

At the start of the last month, the Golden Retriever is completely ready to whelp. Puppies development completes after day 58.

Symptoms in this month are very easy to comprehend. Here are some prominent ones for your ease:

  • The waist of the Golden Retriever will be trimmed during this phase.
  • An abrupt indication of diet loss on day 61 and day 62 when a Golden Retriever has become pregnant.
  • The temperature drops around half a day to a full before labor.
  • Your pet will show you clear signs of discomfort and restlessness.
  • Digging and pacing will also inform you about the situation.

Duration in Labor for a Golden Retriever When Pregnant

There are mainly three stages of labor, after the gestation process.

Stage One

Hormonal measurement gives more accurate data than any other similar information.

The stage is not very noticeable. However, here is a list of symptoms for your understanding:

  • Behavioral changes
  • Restlessness
  • Discomfort
  • Panic
  • Stressful
  • Vomit may occur
  • Paning
  • Resistant towards eating
  • Vaginal discharge becomes more obvious

Stage Two

A stage where you will see your lovely puppies from your favorite dog, the Golden Retriever. The birth process takes place within 24 hours of stage one. Each delivery usually completes within an hour and it continues within the next half an hour to an hour.

Stage Three

The delivery of the placenta occurs at the last. Mostly, stages two and three occur side by side. So, after stage three is completed, you get your puppies and placenta as well.

Sign of Worries

If your Golden Retriever stays in labor for more than a day and if there is a gap above 2 hours between the birth of puppies, then the situation may have escalated and you should immediately consult your veteran. 

golden retriever labor


One of the best times is when your Golden Retriever becomes pregnant. The pregnancy lasts for 63 days in most cases. You need to take care of your dog from the heating duration, pregnancy period, labor period, and post-puppies delivery time. Each process takes a separate time and duration. By understanding the duration of each cycle, you will be able to tackle the situation well and make your pet comfortable!


They remain pregnant for 63 days.

It will gain weight, nipple size will increase, and abrupt change in the diet.

No, pregnancy of a Golden Retriever is possible when mating happens during a heating cycle.

Yes, raw goat milk is good for them.

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