Golden Retrievers Have Adorable Tantrums – A Guide 2024

Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly, calm, and affectionate nature. But Sometimes, like children who don’t like to listen, “no” after hearing this, they start getting tantrums. Caring for a dog is like caring for a beloved family member. They aren’t so different, after all.

Sometimes, they do things that make them look cute. In this article, we’ll uncover the reasons behind their occasional tantrums and discover effective strategies for keeping them in check.

Playful Personality

Golden Retrievers have a very intelligent, friendly, affectionate, and playful personality. These amazing pets are great at making new friends and love socializing with other pets and people. Golden Retrievers are quite energetic and love to stay active and participate in all family activities.

Golden Retrievers are very adoring. They love to follow their beloved owner around the house throughout the day. They are quite energetic and enjoy staying active. They thrive on plenty of exercise, playtime, and opportunities to burn off their abundant energy. They love to go jogging, hike, and swim. Because they are very intelligent, it is very easy to train them. They are very expressive and show their feelings through body language and sounds, which seem like tantrums.

Golden Retrievers throws Tantrum

What Does a Golden Retriever Tantrum Look Like?

Golden Retrievers can show their tantrums in different interesting ways few are given below.

  • Crying: They start crying to express their feelings, sometimes when they need to go outside, when they feel hungry, when they feel anxious and stressed, or when they need love and attention from the owners.
  • Barking: When a dog starts barking, it is very excited when something suspicious happens and wants to alert its owner, as well as when it hears a family member coming home. It can also bark when it needs attention and feels ignored or when it goes to play. 
  • Dropping and carrying toys: If they start carrying and dropping toys on your feet, they want you to play with them, so play some active games with them.
  • Flopping: If they want to play or be petted, they start flopping onto the ground and looking at you with hope.
  • Rolling: When they feel happy, trusted, and comfortable with you, they start rolling onto their back. Sometimes, for attention, and they want you to rub their belly. 

How to Handle Golden Retriever’s Tantrums?

Golden Retriever tantrums are undeniably adorable if you start facing a problem and you don’t know how to handle their tantrums.

There are a few steps by follow these you can easily handle their tantrum: 

  • Please don’t give in to their tantrum immediately. When they calm down, they give him what they want. Through this, they were taught that if they remained calm, they would be rewarded.
  • Make sure to always show consistently to their tantrum. If you don’t stay consistence, it will confuse your dog and make things more complex.
  • Always reward them for their good behavior by giving treats, playtime and treats.
  • Training and socialization from an early age can make a big difference in managing their behavior.
  • Regular exercise is very important according to their need. Regular walks, playtime, and other activities can help reduce tantrums. 
  •  Set the proper routine for food, exercise, rest, and play; doing this will help your dog feel secure and anxiety-free. 


Are Golden Retrievers dramatic?

Yes, golden retrievers are dramatic in the dog universe. They are so good at fussing with their vocalizations and expressive behaviors.

Do Golden Retrievers have a temper?

Golden Retrievers will reassure potential owners and instill confidence in them with their friendly and even-tempered nature. They are gentle, patient, and friendly with children and other pets, including cats. With proper training and socialization, they become well-behaved and calm. 

Do Golden Retrievers get mad easily? 

The golden retriever’s inherently calm nature makes it a reassuring, confidence-instilling choice for potential dog owners. 

Do Golden Retrievers like attention?

Yes, golden retrievers love to gain attention from their owners. They are very affectionate and love to interact with family and be involved in activities.


Golden Retrievers are friendly, loveable, calm, and intelligent, leading to the most adorable tantrums. To handle their tantrums, you must understand, and then you will easily manage. They show tantrums in different ways, for example, by crying or carrying toys. They are their different ways of communicating to Express their needs and affection.

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