Golden Retriever Growth Chart: A Complete Development Guide 2024

Golden Retriever Growth Chart

It’s important to know about the exact Golden Retriever Growth Chart. You might know about its weight range from 65 to 80 pounds and its peak height up to 23 inches. But what are its main stages during growth and what should be an ideal height and weight during those stages?

A Golden Retriever maintains a decent height and weight during complete life. These two metrics are enough to find out the health condition of your lovely puppy. There are five main stages in the life of a Golden Retriever for which we need to carefully analyze its growth.

Stage 1: Puppy Growth

Like any other dog in the world, the first stage in the growth of a Golden Retriever is when it’s a puppy. In Neonatal, we analyze the puppy from its birth till the first 3 weeks. They are completely helpless in said stage and it’s better they should spend maximum time with their mothers.

They slowly open their opens and learn to crawl as well. They should contain a weight of around 5 pounds during said phase. This stage is very crucial as the puppy needs more attention than other stages.

Key Milestones During the Puppy Phase

  • The ears and eyes of the pet are open.
  • The teeth of the pet come out and become visible.
  • They start crawling initially and walk afterward.

Stage 2: Social Bonding

This stage remains valid from three weeks to three months. The milk of the mother slowly dries and the puppy starts to intake solid food along with milk. Socialization is the key at this stage.

The puppy learns to behave well with human beings and pets. You should introduce your dog to household items. You can bring it outside in a car so that it understands various things in the universe and tries a establish a social bond.

They experience various things during this phase. Some are as follows:

  • They use vocal cards for almost the first time in their life.
  • They came to know about the fear factor in their lives.
  • They learn new habits quickly.
  • They establish mild and gradually strong bonds with people and pets.
  • They learn the usage of different things with every passing day.
  • House training of the Golden Retriever starts during this stage.

Key Development Milestones

  • Eats solid food.
  • Shows curiosity towards almost every new thing.
  • It starts playing with siblings and kids.
  • It shows aggression by barking or growling.
  • Bladder and bowel movements are controlled.
  • It takes its first vaccination.

Stage 3: Juvenile

This stage covers the age of the puppy from 3 to 6 months. During said phase, the growth process looks very slow. One of the reasons for slow growth is that a puppy turns adult and muscle strength increases with time.

The puppy teeth drop and the adult teeth come out. During said stage, we can teach the dog to isolate itself from its mother slowly and gradually. This stage is considered the most crucial as far as training of the Golden Retriever is concerned.

Positive reinforcement and punishments impact a lot on the personality of the dog. You need to appreciate regularly so that it establishes good habits. It remains fearful during said stage and any bad experience will leave marks till later parts of its life.

Key Development Milestones

  • The dog displays its adult teeth.
  • It can be trained to leave its mother and start its journey.
  • The most crucial stage for the training of the dog.
  • Spaying and neutering happen during 3rd stage for the Golden Retriever.

Stage 4: Sexual Maturity

This stage starts immediately after the first six months of life. It slowly grows into a complete dog and shows heat cycles as well. Your puppy will not be more of a puppy during this stage.

You will see quick growth in almost all body parts of your Golden Retriever. Its legs, ears, and nose will grow very quickly. Don’t worry! It is very normal as the growth process will remain in full swing during said phase.

The bones of the dog grow quickly as well. But this may cause an issue as the elbow or other joints of the pet may degrade or you may see any sign of weakness. Excessive exercise and exertion may be discontinued immediately if you see any kind of damage to bones or muscles.

Key Development Milestones

  • Golden Retriever shows signs of mating during this period of its growth.
  • It will display territorial and behavioral challenges more clearly.
  • Its legs, nose, and ears grow very quickly which may be awkward initially but don’t worry as it balances with a complete body very quickly.
  • Bones may weaken due to excessive exercise.

5: Adults Maturity

After 16 months of Golden Retriever’s age, you can call it an adult dog. Though it grows slowly for some more years after that, it has almost grown during that period. Males enjoy the height of 23 to 24 inches whereas females enjoy the height of 21.5 to 22.5 inches.

Usually, the height of the pet becomes fixed at this stage but its weight fluctuates even till the last months of its age. You may see your pet as the leanier one but don’t worry as things will balance out more quickly.

A male carries an ideal weight of 65 to 80 pounds while a female carries a weight from 55 to 90 pounds. The weight of your pet should be around above said values. If that is not the case, then you should consult your vet for your dog and change its diet and exercise sessions immediately.

Key Development Milestones

  • It becomes a full-grown Golden Retriever dog.
  • The habits and traits of the pet are more fixed and rigid during this stage.
  • The coat of the pet almost grows fully.
  • Legs and tails gain more hairs.

When does a Golden Retriever stop Growing?

The Retriever grows gradually till 2 years of its life. After 2 years, it has gained a maximum height and almost a maximum weight. The ears, legs, and other features of the dog are also grown to their full extent. So, technically we can say that its growth completes at the age of 2 but in some cases, you may see slight growth patterns.

Golden Retriever Growth Chart

By now, it has become easy for you to gauge the growth of your pet at different stages. Still, we know that each dog’s growth rate varies and sometimes changes occur in just a few weeks. So, we will present you different charts, separate for male and female Retrievers, for better understanding.

Golden Retriever Growth Chart

Male Golden Retriever Growth Chart

Female Golden Retriever Growth Chart


Weight Range

% of Weight

7 Weeks

4 -17 lbs, av. 9 lbs


8 Weeks

5 – 17 lbs, av. 10 lbs


9 Weeks

8 – 17 lbs, av. 12 lbs


10 Weeks

10–22 lbs, av 15 lbs


11 Weeks

12–25 lbs, av. 17 lbs


3 Months

16–43 lbs, av. 22 lbs


4 Months

25–44 lbs, av. 30 lbs


5 Months

27–57 lbs, av. 40 lbs


6 Months

29–72 lbs, av. 44 lbs


7 Months

32–77 lbs av. 48 lbs


8 Months

49–85 lbs, av. 55 lbs


9 Months

45–77 lbs, av. 61 lbs


10 Months

50–77 lbs, av. 63 lbs


11 Months

55–77 lbs, av. 68 lbs


1 Year

65–77 lbs, av, 68 lbs


2 Year

65–80 lbs, av. 73 lbs



Weight Range

% of Weight

7 Weeks

4 -17 lbs, av. 9 lbs


8 Weeks

5 – 17 lbs, av. 10 lbs


9 Weeks

8 – 17 lbs, av. 12 lbs


10 Weeks

10–22 lbs, av 15 lbs


11 Weeks

12–25 lbs, av. 17 lbs


3 Months

16–43 lbs, av. 22 lbs


4 Months

25–44 lbs, av. 30 lbs


5 Months

25–52 lbs, av. 40 lbs


6 Months

27–61 lbs, av. 43 lbs


7 Months

31–67 lbs av. 45 lbs


8 Months

40–68 lbs, av. 52 lbs


9 Months

44–68 lbs, av. 52 lbs


10 Months

52–68 lbs, av. 60 lbs


11 Months

52–80 lbs, av. 65 lbs


1 Year

65–77 lbs, av, 68 lbs


2 Year

65–80 lbs, av. 73 lbs


Male Golden Retriever Growth Chart

AgeWeight Range% of Weight
7 Weeks4 -17 lbs, av. 9 lbs12%
8 Weeks5 – 17 lbs, av. 10 lbs13.5%
9 Weeks8 – 17 lbs, av. 12 lbs16.5%
10 Weeks10 – 22 lbs – av 15 lbs20.5%
11 Weeks12 – 25 lbs, av. 17 lbs23%
3 Months16 – 43 lbs, av. 22 lbs30%
4 Months25 – 44 lbs, av. 30 lbs41%
5 Months27 – 57 lbs, av. 40 lbs55%
6 Months29 – 72 lbs, av. 44 lbs60%
7 Months32 – 77 lbs av. 48 lbs66%
8 Months49 – 85 lbs, av. 55 lbs75%
9 Months45 – 77 lbs, av. 61 lbs83.5%
10 Months50 – 77 lbs, av. 63 lbs86%
11 Months55 – 77 lbs, av. 68 lbs93%
1 Year65 – 77 lbs, av, 68 lbs93%
2 Years65 – 80 lbs, av. 73 lbs100%

Female Golden Retriever Growth Chart

AgeWeight Range% of Weight
7 Weeks4 -17 lbs, av. 9 lbs13%
8 Weeks5 – 17 lbs, av. 10 lbs14%
9 Weeks8 – 17 lbs, av. 12 lbs17%
10 Weeks10 – 22 lbs, av. 15 lbs21.5%
11 Weeks12 – 25 lbs, av. 17 lbs24%
3 Months16 – 43 lbs, av. 22 lbs31.5%
4 Months22 – 44 lbs, av. 30 lbs43%
5 Months25 – 52 lbs, av. 40 lbs57%
6 Months27 – 61 lbs, av. 43 lbs61.5%
7 Months31 – 67 lbs av. 45 lbs64%
8 Months40 – 68 lbs, av. 52 lbs74%
9 Months44 – 68 lbs, av. 52 lbs76%
10 Months52 – 68 lbs, av. 60 lbs86%
11 Months52 – 80 lbs, av. 65 lbs93%
1 Year55 – 90 lbs, av. 70 lbs93%
2 Years55 – 90 lbs, av. 70 lbs100%

Dangers for Quick Growth

You might be thinking of feeding excessively to achieve quick results compared to the age of your Golden Retriever. But remember one thing early growth causes a lot of health issues including obesity and muscle non-development. So, try to provide a balanced diet and exercise time to your dog for better results.

Better Health Growth Tips and Tricks

Here are some best practices that will help you achieve good health for your lovely Golden Retriever. 

Appropriate and Balanced Diet

There is no alternative to a good diet to achieve good health for your pet. Give the desired diet to your dog for that specific age. Don’t feed a six-month-old dog with a 1-year diet recommended plan. A lot of your efforts will lessen if you food your dog properly. 

Regular Exercise

Golden Retrievers tend to gain weight quickly. So, a proper exercise plan is crucial along with a proper diet plan. Half an hour to an hour of exercise will be sufficient for the dog.

Muscle growth will be better if a dog does regular exercise. It will help him tackle muscle or joint pains in a better way. The importance of exercise can’t be over-emphasized as it is as important for dogs as it’s important for any other breed.


Although extra vaccinations aren’t recommended. But still, they help against hepatitis, rabies, and distemper. So, don’t overrule the option of vaccination especially when it’s critical.

Genetic Issues Handling

  Your dog may suffer from various genetic issues and the best to deal with them is to closely observe the traits of its immediate parents. Consult your vet in case of severe issues.

Watch Out for Abrupt Changes

Your dog will not be able to tell you clearly if it suffers from any pain. Your job is to monitor closely its routine matters. If you see a quick change in its weight, movement issue, or any other unusual thing, then consult your vet for immediate treatment.


A Golden Retriever grows gradually mostly in 5 different stages. It opens up its eyes in the first few weeks, learns to crawl and walk, replaces adult teeth with puppy teeth, displays mating signs during the adult phase and finally grows at the age of 16 months or 2 years. Proper diet, exercise, and regular visit visits help in better growth of the Golden Retriever.

Frequently Asked Questions

A female Retriever usually grows completely at the age of 1 year. Mostly, at the age of 16 months, your Golden Retriever will be a full-grown dog.

By studying its parents’ traits and height features, we can estimate the growth size of the Retriever.

There is no match to the Canadian Golden Retriever as far as the height and weight of the Retrievers breed is concerned.

Yes, neutering or mating helps in better growth of the Retriever. It reduces the chances of occurrence of cancer and other severe infections.

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