Field Golden Retriever – Amazing Facts and Characteristics

Field Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever has become important for many people living in the United States and Europe. Some people become confused when they listen to different variants of said breed. The pet is known for its loyalty, charm, and amazing behavior. Is there any difference between Field and show Retrievers and does it possess the same habits as a common Retriever?

Field Golden Retriever is known for its remarkable outlook, appearance, and energies within and outside the house. You can train the pet very easily with a small effort daily. It possesses different body structures, weight properties, etc. when we compare it with the Show Golden Retriever. In this article, we will take a deep look at the unique characteristics of the pet and some grooming and health tips as well. So, stay connected!

Field Golden Retriever and Show Golden Retriever Differences

Difference between Field Golden Retriever and Show Golden Retriever


Field Golden Retriever

Show Golden Retriever


20-24 inches

22-24 inches


55-70 pounds

75-85 pounds

Life Expectancy

10-12 years

10-12 years

Exercise Requirement

1-2 hours daily

30 minutes to one hour daily


Bathing, Brushing Daily

Bathing, Brushing Daily

Family Oriented



Lives with other pets




Intelligent, Smart, Loyal

Affection, simple, gentle

Field Golden Retriever Overview

Field Golden Retriever’s name reveals that it is meant for doing a job in the field or an open space. The pet maintains a healthy body and shows enormous energy at various spots from home to parks. Due to its active nature, you can bring the dog with you to any place and it won’t disappoint you in terms of stamina and good physique.

Field golden Retriever

Inheritance of the pet displays its special love for water and ponds. You don’t need to worry about passing a lake or a pond as it loves swimming in the water. The dog shows marvelous loyalty and ownership towards its family members.

Purpose and Skill Set of the Pet

One of the basic requirements of the pet is its amazing retriever habit. It easily tracks prey, catches it, and brings it back to its owner in almost no time. If you are a hunter and looking for a unique dog that does hunting at its best and socializes well at home, then you can find any other dog near the Field Retriever.

Hunting doesn’t stop in Marshal areas. The birth of the pet took place in Scotland with the sole purpose of retrieving bravely on the land and water and so does the pet. Overall, your hunting experience will become more memorable.

Personality and Temperament

Don’t get confused with the hunting nature of the dog as it will amaze you when you will find its amazing personality traits. It is an ideal dog for a small family living in a short apartment as it manages well even in a small space. It displays acts of obedience and respect for its home members.

Field Golden Retriever goes a step ahead when encountering children. It behaves like a child and tries its best to provide the best services to make children happy. It protects them as well due to its in-built intelligence and smartness attributes.


The pet carries a handsome body posture and a beautiful outlook. It has a color from dark golden to light. It contains a smart body and good physique, mostly a medium-sized dog. Sometimes it may look slim but don’t get confused with it as it helps him during hunting time. 


Training is the key to making a comfortable time with your pet. The dog loves training and cooperates with the trainer during training sessions.

Here are some tips for training the Field Golden Retriever:

  • Educate him to immediately stop when asked to do so.
  • The dog should gradually know the green signals before doing a new thing.
  • Socialize your dog in training sessions before exposing it to the World.
  • Training sessions shouldn’t exceed 30-45 minutes as it will take as a punishment otherwise.
  • Introduce your pets in a sequence to your pet so both accept each other.
  • Appreciate your pet doing something good in the training session as well as in real time.

Exercise Requirements

Without exercise your pet will gain weight in a few days and show signs of restlessness. It will end up in obesity and bad health which will become painful for you and the dog. So, make sure to encourage your dog to exercise often rather than adopt it as a routine matter.

The dog can be asked to perform any type of exercise from easy to difficult. It’s better to start with easy exercises and gradually introduce the hard exercises. Long hikes, football playing, swimming sessions, and other similar games can be played with the pet.

Suitable for People

Field Golden Retrievers are suitable for the following people:

  • People who love going outside to track and do adventurous things.
  • People who want to stay quietly in the house and want a good companion.
  • People who need a playing partner for their children and need protection as well.
  • People who want to adopt a pet that doesn’t have enough time to handle a complicated or aggressive dog.

The list goes on….. So, without any hesitation, you should consider adopting the dog as soon as possible.

Show Golden Retrievers

Show Golden Retrievers are the same dogs as Field Golden Retrievers but they display a soft and moderate side of the dog. They are known for their delicacy, calm behavior, and amazing appearance. Their outlook makes them a good dog as you won’t resist at all to bring the dog immediately at home.

Show Golden Retriever

Purpose and Skill Set of the Show Golden Retriever

The dog doesn’t perform hunting and retrieving tasks as its counterpart does effectively. Its sole purpose is to show a better picture of the breed. It is mostly shown at different events as a showcase for its classy breed.

Personality and Temperament

They have mild personality traits as compared to any other Retriever family. No doubt, they are affectionate and love to live with human beings and other pets. But they lack sufficient energy and try to maintain a reserved space even in the rushy events.


You will see a balanced list of features whether eyes, ears, or anything else. Breeders pay close attention to finding a perfect dog for them. Overall, the dog’s look is quite stunning and amazing in most aspects.


Rigorous training is not recommended at all for the Field Golden Retrievers. They don’t hunt and show a lot of aggression in the yard. The main purpose is to help them in socialization with other human beings, especially strangers and pets. They are eager to please others and very cooperative in their daily matters. 

Exercise Requirements

They don’t possess a lot of energy and can’t perform difficult challenges in the exercise. But the importance of exercise cannot be denied. Obesity will impact badly on the health and appearance of the pet if it doesn’t take exercise in routine. 

Suitable For

Show Golden Retriever is most suited for people who want to get a calm dog that contains amazing looks. People who want to bring their pets to various events and display them as a showcase.  


Field Golden Retriever is one of the most amazing dogs due to its unique features like hunting, retrieving, and loyalty. The dog contains an enormous amount of energy and is eager to learn new things. So, spend some time training of the dog and you will achieve the desired results very quickly. But if you want to get a showcase Retriever, then go for Show Golden Retriever.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Field Golden Retriever has a golden color like an original Retriever. It tracks a prey, catches it, and brings it back to its companion. The dog is loving and caring in most cases.

2 hours of daily exercise is usually sufficient for the dog but if you have a paucity of time, then you can conduct an hour’s exercise schedule.

Yes, the dog is known for its affectionate nature.

A male has a height of 21-23 inches and female gains a height of 21-22 inches.

Yes, initially they show aggression. But with time and after a thorough training, the dog becomes calm. Mostly, you can achieve calmness from 2 to 3 years of the pet’s age.

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