Doberman Golden Retriever Mix (Golden Pinschers)

The Doberman Golden Retriever Mix is an amazing combination of two well-known breeds. It maintains a mild temperament due to Golden Retriever and unbelievable alertness due to Doberman. Its ancestors have a strong foundation of legacy and traits that are inherited in the said dog.

Doberman Golden Retriever Mix Summary


24–27 inches


65–95 pounds

Life Span

12-15 years


Golden, flaxen, yellow, black tan, black gold

Suitable for

Active families, outdoor enthusiasts, active individuals, competitive dog trainers


Loyal, intelligent, alert, playful, friendly, happy

Doberman Golden Retriever Mix


As the Retriever Doberman is a new breed that has gained popularity in the last few years, its prices are very low at times. You may see a lot of fluctuation in the prices ranging from $500 to $3000. Depending upon the ancestors, health conditions, and age of the puppy the price varies a lot.

Little-Known Facts About the Pet

As the breed is almost new in the dog’s community, some facts aren’t common yet. Here are those facts:

Long Coats

Like one of its ancestors, the Golden Retriever, the Doberman Golden Retriever mix contains a long coat. The color of the coat can be yellowish to pure Golden as well. Sometimes, you will see shorter coats due to inheritance from the Doberman. So, maintenance of your dog’s coat depends on its length and thickness.

Doberman Pinschers Coat

First-Generation Dogs

Unlike other inherited dogs of the Golden Retriever, the breed is considered purebred. It hasn’t got so much recognition like other mixes of the Retriever so the breed is treated as the first-generation. Within the coming few years, we may see multi-generation due to its increasing popularity and acceptance in many parts of the world.

Weight Above 85 Pounds

A Doberman Golden Retriever Mix can weigh above 85 pounds. Its main reason is inheritance from two large-sized dogs. This makes it very difficult for people living in small apartments. So, if you have a medium-sized home and want to carry along a medium-built dog, the said dog will serve the purpose.

Temperament and Intelligence of the Pet

Doberman Golden Retriever Mix is a recent addition to the dog community. So, its traits like temperament are not very well known. We can’t make a consensus on the mere habits of some dogs of the said breed. So, we will have to rely on our ancestors’ habits and traits. Let’s examine them one by one:

Golden Retriever Temperament and Key Traits

A Golden Retriever is known for its mild, soft, and accepting temperament. This is one of the major reasons for its acceptance in the United States and Canada. Recently, an influx of its adoption has been seen mainly due to its therapy services.

Initially, it was meant for hunting and retrieving various types of ground. They adapt very well and quickly due to their higher IQ. They have a forgiving nature and are best suited for new dog owners. They are easy to train as well. Overall, you can rely on its traits and consider bringing it home as it will adjust quickly.

Doberman Pinschers Temperament and Key Traits

Unlike Retriever, it has an aggressive nature and can be difficult to handle at times. They have personalities like Rottweilers and German Shepherds. It’s very difficult for new dog owners to handle the Doberman Pinschers.

Apart from their aggressive personality, they are very loyal and affectionate. They show ownership to their owners and immediately switch to watchdog roles within a few seconds. So, if you have some experience in dog handling, then this breed will become an awesome companion for you especially when it comes to protection.

Doberman Golden Retriever Mix Traits

We can comfortably conclude that the Retriever Doberman breed is full of energy and intelligence. Its temperament may be seen as mild or aggressive due to inheritance from the Retriever or Doberman respectively. They love to play and enjoy the moments. Secondly, it depends on the training of the dog that imparts a stamp on the traits of the said dog.

Family Dogs

On average calculations, they have been found as good family dogs. They love to spend time with people in the house or even in parks as well. They play willingly with children and protect them as well. But beware of the traits of the Doberman Pincher, as it may become aggressive at times. So, gradually teach your kids and the pet to live and play with each other.

Behaviors With Other Pets

They give ample space to other pets living in the house or visiting frequently the home of their owners. The Retriever is known for its friendly nature. Doberman has soft corners for other pets as well. So, if you want to go safe then introduce all your pets to the Doberman Golden Retriever mix so that they understand each other and establish a good relationship.

Important Considerations For Bringing the Pet Home

By far, you might have decided on bringing the dog home or not. If you are in the way of making up your mind, then you must some daily or weekly tasks to make a comfortable time with your dog and find the best companion.

Food and Diet Requirements

As the breed inherits from two medium-to-large-sized built dogs, they need a reasonable amount of food 3 times a day. A dry dog kibble with a 25% inclusion of protein will serve the purpose. Sometimes, you may feel that they are prone to allergy so the use of fish and red meat will help in achieving protein requirements without causing allergy.

Dog Food


Exercise will provide multifacet benefits. It will not only keep the temperament of the dog mild and soft rather it will keep the weight of your dog in control. Without exercise, your pet may fall prey to obesity which may cause multiple health issues. 

A 30-40 minute daily exercise without unnecessary skips is ideal for your Doberman Golden Retriever mix. Being an inherited pet of the Doberman Pincher, they are excellent dogs for canine games. The addition of gaming sessions along with exercise keeps your dog happy and comfortable.


Undeniably, training is one of the most important considerations for getting maximum benefits from the said breed. Training of the Retriever is easy but training of Doberman is quite tricky. So, pay special attention to your dog whether it has adopted maximum traits from the Retriever or the Doberman.

If your dog is showing traits resemblance to the Retriever, then you can train your dog yourself for half an hour to 45 minutes daily. Otherwise, you need to consult a professional trainer for at least a month to handle the aggressive nature of your dog. Whatever the condition, training the dog is one of the prerequisites for bringing the dog home.


Here are some grooming tips for your Doberman Golden Retriever Mix:

  • Brush your dog once a week if sheds less and inherits from a Doberman.
  • Brush for at least 3 times a week if it inherits the coat from the Retriever.
  • Once a month bathing is almost ideal.
  • Use a good shampoo to avoid skin issues and the creation of blank spots on the skin.
  • Nail trimming on alternate weeks helps protect from various diseases.
  • Cleaning ears is one of the mandatory tasks to proactively tackle insects and germs.
  • Cleaning the teeth of your dog daily or on alternate days makes him look beautiful and keeps him healthy as well.
  • A proper diet is also considered as part of grooming the diet that directly impacts the health of your dog.

Health Issues

Unfortunately, we don’t have sufficient data regarding the health issues of the Doberman Golden Retriever mix. Still, we have an ample amount of data regarding the minor and serious health issues of its ancestors.

Here is a detail of health issues that your dog may inherit from its parents:

Minor Health Issues

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Cataracts
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer
  • Skin Issues/Disorders
  • Allergies
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Patellar Luxation

Serious Issues

  • Cervical Vertebral Instability
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Wobbler’s Syndrome
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease
  • Bloat
  • Demodicosis
  • Canine Hip Dysplasia

Male vs Female

A male Retriever Doberman carries some additional pounds of weight than a female one. There is no such difference in terms of temperament, trainability, and intelligence between the two. So, overall it’s a subjective decision to adopt a male or female Doberman Golden Retriever mix. 


The Doberman Golden Retriever Mix is one of the most amazing and unique dogs in the Golden Retriever Mixes category. It shows affection, loyalty, and mild temperament like the Retriever and aggression, and watchdog traits like the Doberman Pinscher. Proper training, time, and diet of the dog make him feel comfortable and become a good companion to its owner and linked persons.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Retriever is almost a perfect family dog and suited for first-time dog owners as well. But if you’re an experienced dog keeper and know how to handle the aggression of the dog then Doberman can be a good choice.

It ranges from 60-100 pounds of weight during its peak time.

Black/tan or chocolate/tan is considered the best color for the Doberman.

205 to 345 PSI is the bite force of the Doberman.

60 to 70 minutes is enough for the exercise of the dog.

No, they grow at a very fast rate. You will see puppies becoming adults and gaining good body structure very soon.

They need to be trained from their puppy time till adulthood.

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