How to Breed a Golden Retriever? A Complete Information

Breed a golden retriever

Keeping a dog and caring for a dog are not the same things at all. A Golden Retriever usually gets its first heat cycle from 6 to 15 months. You can breed your Golden Retriever during that period and it occurs usually 2 times a year.

It’s important to understand the mood swings of your dog during that phase. It will show some panic and stress through multiple verbal and nonverbal methods. Another thing to note is that it’s not important breed a Golden Retriever dog during all heat cycles.

For better understanding, we will help to visualize a clear picture regarding the heat cycles of your dog, frequency of occurrence, and possibilities of breeding. Some pros and cons will also be shared. So, sit tight to get a better picture for breeding your Golden Retriever at a perfect time.

Key Takeaways

  • Like any other dog, a Golden Retriever experiences heat cycles, commonly called as estrus, at least two times a year.
  • By getting a better understanding of the heat cycles of your lovely pet, you manage things very well concerning its behavior and manage its mood.
  • It’s important to breed your dog at the perfect time to avoid suffering from serious health issues and most importantly manage spaying or neutering if required.

Some Common Terminologies During Breed a Golden Retriever – Heat Cycles

Before we dive deep into the heating process, let’s take a look at some important terminologies and understand them briefly:

Preparing For a First Heat Cycle

  • Learn and understand heat cycle process signs and symptoms to proactively handle the situation.
  • Understand changes in the behavior of your dog calmly and cooperate with your dog during the said cycle.
  • You should take a good stock of diapers to counter the effects of the cycle and provide your dog with a full-time rest area for that period.

Common Mistakes During the Process

  • Unnecessarily ignoring the time of the heat cycle will cause stressful and tense situations for the dog and ultimately for their owner.
  • If your dog visits outside during the heating cycle, then chances of unplanned rather irresponsible breeding increase. 
  • Misunderstanding and frustration between the dog and the owner can increase if duration is not kept in mind.

Tips for Cleaning the Home During Heat Cycle

Well! It’s important to maintain your home neat and clean even if a Golden Retriever is going through the process of the heat cycle. Here are some tips and tricks for you:

  • Use diapers for your dog and make sure you use them during the complete cycle as it will make your dog comfortable apart from keeping the home clean.
  • Dedicate a completely isolated portion for your dog so that unwanted or dirty material can be kept separately and cleaned easily.
  • Sanitization is important along with cleaning the dedicated portion for the dog.
  • Use a good refresher as well to counter odor.

Reproductive Cycle of A Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers aren’t ready for breeding around the year. There are specific days and weeks when you can breed your dog. Here are some important factors regarding the reproductive cycle of the Retriever:

Age of Heating

A Golden Retriever usually achieves sexual maturity from 6 months to 2 years. The first cycle starts very quickly. In most cases, it experiences the first cycle at the age of 6 months.

Duration and Frequency

The duration of the heat cycle for a Golden Retriever remains for almost 3 weeks. The process happens mostly 2 times a year.

Necessity for Breeding During Heat Cycle

It’s not recommended to go through breeding during every heat cycle. It will ultimately become difficult for you and your dog. Secondly, breeding should be done with proper care, planning, and most importantly after finding for a good mate for your amazing Golden Retriever.

golden retriever breeding

Signs and Symptoms of a Golden Retriever During Heat

Certain visible symptoms will help you in knowing about the heat cycle of your dog. So, make sure you grasp them well for proactively finding a good mate for your dog; resulting in good breeding.

Phases of Heat Cycle


The initial phase of the heat cycle usually lasts for 9 to 10 days. Vaginal bleeding starts during the process. The female Retriever attracts its fellow male and it’s not receptive towards mating.


It’s called the fertile phase. The duration of the estrus phase lasts from 5 to 13 days. During this phase, a female Retriever attracts a male and is fully ready for mating.


If somehow your female Golden Retriever doesn’t conceive and become pregnant, then this will result in the decline of hormone levels. The duration lasts from 60 to 90 days.


Everything resets and your dog becomes gradually ready for the next heat cycle.

And the process continues….

Silent Heat

Will you always see heating signs? Unfortunately, A big No! Sometimes no signs of heat cycles will be visible for the first phase, estrus. This may become difficult and somewhat tricky for you if you were planning breeding during that period.

Minor behavioral changes will give some sort of indication for the occurrence of the heat cycle. Still, it will be difficult and you will need to monitor more thoroughly.

Split Heating

Will the heat cycle occur always in the same sequence? No, it will not be the case. Sometimes, you will see your dog going through the proestrus phase instead of the estrus phase. This may tease pet owners and they will need extra monitoring and a thorough analysis to breed the dog, if already planned.

Managing Heat Cycle Well – Tips and Tricks

So far, we have learned heat cycle, and its possible phases, and some skipped phases. So, now let’s take a detailed look at some recommended guidelines to control and manage the heat cycle more effectively.

Handling Behavioral Changes

  • During the process, your lovely pet will suffer from pain and serious discomfort. So, you must spend maximum time with your dog.
  • Make your dog comfortable by playing different games and exposing her to various challenging tasks. It will distract her mind from mating and pain.
  • During the heat cycle period of your Golden Retriever, minimize outdoor walks so that unplanned breeding can be avoided.

Natural Remedies Usage

Some dog lovers use herbal and some similar remedies for early recovery and handling the Retriever. But it’s always better to consult your veteran before providing your Golden Retriever such supplements for breeding during the process.

Health Risks During Heat Cycle

Health is the most important thing for the Golden Retriever. But when your pet goes through a heat cycle and breeding, it may suffer from some serious health issues.

Here are some common health issues and remedies as well for you:

Way Out to Handle False Pregnancy

Make your dog comfortable and take precautions same as the original pregnancy. The process will last soon. So, don’t worry too much!

breeding a golden retriever

Timeline to Consult Veteran

Whenever you see glaring changes in the behavior of your dog, it bleeds too much or shows too much aggression, then immediately take your dog to the veteran to find out the cause and follow his consultation to better cope with the situation.

Follow the Exact Time For Breeding

It will be beneficial if you make a schedule as per the calendar of your dog. You will know well before your dog is ready for breeding. Timing is the most crucial thing, hence it should be followed religiously.

Determine the Fertility of the Dog

There are certain tests, like hormone level assessments, that will give you a clear picture of whether your Golden Retriever is ready for breeding or not. Regularly consult your vet to find out the exact fertility days for efficient breeding.

Avoiding Unwanted Pregnancies

It’s important to take good care of your dog during heat cycles. Chances of becoming pregnant increase during the said period. So, if you don’t take care of your Retriever properly, then unwanted pregnancies are almost unavoidable.

Keeping At Distant Area

During that period, a female Retriever attracts its male counterpart from a very far area. So, make sure you restrict interaction with male dogs, especially during the heat cycle period.

Phantom Pregnancy

One of the most interesting pregnancy conditions is where your dog will not be pregnant but it will have almost all signs of pregnancy. It’s also known as pseudocyesis. Nesting behavior and increased mammary glands are the most obvious signs of the process.

Duration for False Pregnancy

Worried about false pregnancy? You can worry a little bit as the duration of a false pregnancy lasts for several weeks. You should keep in mind that pregnancy symptoms can be false but suffering for your dog is real. So, make sure you cooperate well with your dog during that process.

Differentiate Between Real and False Pregnancy

There is no single button or a sign that will tell you the difference between real and fake pregnancies. You need to analyze thoroughly and above all visit your veteran as he will tell you a better picture regarding genuinity of the situation.

Importance of Spaying or Neutering A Golden Retriever

Spaying or neutering a Golden Retriever is a critical rather than an important decision. So, make sure to a final decision before going through the process.

Safe Exercises For the Dog During Heat

Minimize outdoor activities of the dog to counter unplanned mating and unwanted stress for the dog. Make sure you provide interactive and challenging indoor games to your Golden Retriever during its heat as well as breeding period.


They gain sexual maturity from 6 months to 2 years.

Tenth and fourteenth days during estrus are the best days to breed a Golden Retriever.

It lasts for 18 days.

It becomes receptive towards mating and shows nervous as well as agitated behavior.

They can go into heat after seven months of the previous cycle.

They experience 2 heat cycles in a year.


Breeding a Golden Retriever is one of the important decisions for you and your dog. A Retriever experiences a heating cycle 2 times a year and the first cycle starts from 6 months. Make sure proper care and a clean environment are provided to the dog during the said process including minimizing outdoor activities to control unplanned mating. Overall! Heating cycle knowledge will help you breed well!

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