Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix | Dog Breed Facts and Information

Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix

Pure breeds don’t always fulfill the purpose as we may require a combination of features from two known legacies at a time. Golden Retriever is known for its friendliness while Border Collie is known for its sheepdog features. So, can we make a mixed breed from both, if such a breed exists, and if so then what are the traits, health spectrum, and other interesting facts of said breed?

The Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix breed exists and contains marvelous characteristics. It is known for its loyalty, affection, and some other interesting features. The dog maintains a good height and carries a beautiful outlook and color. In this article, we will discuss in detail the features of the pet from that breed.

Appearance of the Pet

Golden Retriever maintains a bit higher height than the Border Collie breed. The child dog will contain a height near any breed of said breeds. Another interesting fact is that the Collie is usually white or black. On the other hand, the Retriever changes color from yellow to dark red. So, you can see the child dog in any of the above colors. Sounds amazing!

Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix

Parents of Golden Retriever

A mixed breed isn’t an expected outcome in all situations. The puppy may adopt maximum features from any of its parents. Golden Retriever has a strong legacy and its parents are known for hunting, loving and caring nature.

The pet swims well like a good swimmer in a lake or a swimming pool. You will see the pup roaming around the house without any rest signs in general. Overall, the parents of the Golden Retriever are known as good family dogs.

Parents of Border Collie

Border Collies have been known for their sheepdog traits for a long period. They found excellent watchdogs due to their intelligence, smartness, and maturity. The dog’s parents are believed to take birth on the border of England and Scotland.

It gains a height of 18-22 inches and carries a weight of 30-45 pounds. The pets are known for their strong build and hard tasks. It’s easy for the dog to do some exercise for its physical and mental health at any time of the day.

Border Collie

Loving Nature of Golden Retriever

Dogs are known for their loyalty and ownership but Retriever takes a step ahead. They respond way more in loving and showing affection towards relevant humans. It easily behaves well according to the mood of its owner.

Apart from showing a great level of affection, the pet can do other tasks as well. It can hunt for you and even go with you to any far-furlong area without any disturbance. It loves to remain near the owner, his family members, and even pets as well.

The pet usually weighs a weight up to 75 pounds and it gains weight more quickly than other dogs. It carries a height of 21-24 inches. The dog can be seen in the black or white color, but it’s very rare as it is mostly seen in golden or near red color shades.

The size of Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix

Collie is a bit shorter than the Golden Retriever. A mixed dog maintains a height between 24-25 inches and carries a weight of 45-75 pounds. Despite being a well-heightened dog, it easily adjusts in small homes or apartments. With a little training and care, it won’t tease you in the small house.

Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix

Traits and Tempraments of the Collie Retreiver Dog

Legacy of both dogs contains a single feature and that is easier to train. The mixed breed’s pet knows how to make the owner happy. Here are some training tips for the Border Collied Golden Retriever dog:

As the pet is usually smart, intelligent, and prone to high energy levels, a proper training session is required to handle the dog well. It’s recommended to take the dog with you for a walk or exercise at least once a day. Puzzle-solving, playing football, and doing other similar tasks help make the breed better.

Can we call the Border Coolie Golden Retrievers as Family Dogs?

The pet can be used for various purposes like hunting, sheepdog, and performing rescue and search operations. But the best utilization of the Collie Retriever is as a family dog. It mixes soon with the family members without any lengthy training sessions.

The dog used to be a guard time but it doesn’t do such tasks very well. It is very well aware of its surroundings and strange people. The pet loves playing with kids for hours.

Training of the Collie Retriever Mix

Legacy of both dogs contains a single feature that is easier to train. The mixed breed’s pet knows how to make the owner happy.

Here are some training tips for the Border Collied Golden Retriever dog:

  • Make sure training sessions are short.
  • Tell short lessons in the first few days.
  • Check the progress of the dog by giving multiple orders.
  • Use a high ground to give orders to the pet as it will give you space for giving orders.
  • Try to follow a tight schedule for the training.
  • Involve close family members during the training, so that the pet feels comfortable with them in real-time situations.
  • Give exposure to the park to the dog so that it knows how to behave in a busy situation.

Taking Care of the Collie Retriever Dog

Retrievers shed a lot more than the Collie Pet. The pet has a double coat and needs proper care at least once a day. You need to give a bath to your pet at least once or twice a month. Extraordinary baths may damage the skin of the pet.

Tooth brushing and cleaning the eyes and ears of the pet are very important. You can use recommended, high-quality, toothbrush and ear cleaning materials from the nearest shop. Nails grow frequently so make sure to trim them at least once a week.

Diet and Exercise of Broder Collie Golden Retriever

  The dog takes a very small amount of food in its first year. It takes a moderate amount of food for almost 2 years. After that, it becomes almost impossible to minimize the quantity of the diet. But try to give the same amount to the dog at a specific time of the day. Check the Puppy Food guide over here.

The puppy doesn’t like sitting every time. Instead, it loves going from one place to another. It contains a lot of energy compared to other dogs. So, make sure to provide at least 60 minutes to 90 minutes for the exercise to your lovely pet.

Health Issues of The Pet

Dogs are prone to various diseases and allergies and the Border Collie Golden Retriever mix is no exception.

It suffers from cancer and some joint issues which we will discuss in subsequent paragraphs:

  • Allergy is a common thing for the pet. The elbow and hip joints may cause a lot of discomfort for the dog. It may tease the pet during its middle and 20 years to its birth.
  • The dog may face eye, retainal, or disease at any stage which can be catered for by regular inspection by yourself and even a nearby veteran.
  • Some unlucky dogs may suffer from heart disease. It blocks blood flow in the body during the issue. Timely checkups and initial treatment measures can help in the reduction of escalation for the health.
  • A regular visit to the clinic or concerned dog official can slow down the process of getting delayed. Use medications or allergy lotions as per the recommendations and suggestions of the veteran. 

Border Collie Other Cross Mixes 

The Smartness and intelligence of Border Collie is a well-established fact. The pet reads the situation very well without any kind of hesitation.  Here is a list of mixes that are best suited if you don’t want to pair up with the Golden Retriever due to any issue.

  • The Border Aussie
  • The Border Collie Chihuahua mix
  •  Border Collie German Shepherd mix
  • Bordoodle.

Should I consider a Pet?

The Border Collie Golden Retriever Mix dog loves spending time with humans as well as pets. It loves training and going outside to get fresh air. It feels discomfort when it is left alone at home. So, if you are an active tourist then the pet will suit you. But if you don’t know your routine and remain busy, the dog will show aggression gradually which may exceed with the time.

Frequently Asked Questions

It can carry a color from black, white, and any shade to the red.

Colteiver is the most common name for the mixed breed of Retriever and Collie dogs.

They usually live for 12-15 years.

They get to a height of 18-22 inches.

The growing process usually stops somewhere around 15-16 months.

Yes, the dog is known for its smartness and learns new things very quickly.


Looking for a family dog that maintains a medium-sized-height can be found easily. If you are color conscious from black to white and red colors as well, then try to find a mixed breed dog from Border Collie Golden Retriever. They show an ample amount of smartness and loyalty at almost every stage. 

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