Australian Retriever: Dog Breed Information & Characteristics

Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix 1

Finding a dog that contains agility, energy, smartness, and obedience is perfect for the home. Can we find a dog that contains all such qualities or near to said qualities in the United States or even in Europe? That would be a mixed breed but can we have faith in the mixed dog as they may have inherent issues?  

Well! Australian Retriever is a mix between Australian Shepherd and Golden Retriever, some time also called golden retriever mini aussie mix, is the perfect choice for you if you are looking for a smart dog that maintains a cool temperament. It shows a lot of affection from its Golden Retriever inheritance and maximum energy from the Australian Shepherd inheritance. I have mentioned a complete list of features of the mixed breed as well as its parent’s brief history, temperament, grooming techniques, and some other interesting information for you.

Parent Breeds of the Pet

Before studying directly the habits and traits of the Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever mix breed, let’s take a quick look at the parents of said dog.

Here is a quick recap of history for you:

Australian Shepherd

The breed isn’t Australian rather it is an American breed. In past years, the Australian cowboys traveled to the United States and brought their amazing Shepherd dog with them. Australian Shepherd, bred from a mix of European herding dogs, was widely accepted in the United States since then.

Australian Shepherd

The dog is considered the 17th most lovable dog in the U.S. It contains a huge amount of energy and agility, way more than other dogs. So, it becomes very difficult for the naive dog lovers to deal with him. Hence, they can adopt the pet after training themselves or by a professional.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever has become the talk of the town now, especially in the United States. The list of registered pets has reached up to 0.7 million to date and it’s growing every day. The history of the dog traces it to Scotland in early 1800 where it was known to the World.

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Recently, a major shift has been seen and the number of people adopting Golden Retriever has increased almost exponentially. You name any good quality and you will find the same in the Retriever like loyalty, affection, and ownership.

Lord Tweedmouth, thought of adopting a dog that can retrieve a stick or even the hunt itself. With time, its retrieving abilities have been increased as well. The dog is considered the best companion for people who are struggling to deal with loneliness.

Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix

The exact time of the new breed, the Australian Retriever, isn’t known but traits of the new breed are mostly known nowadays.

Let’s distribute each characteristic apart and study them one by one:

Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix


The dog contains a huge amount of energy and doesn’t like to sit at all in the yard and even in the home. But thanks to an inheritance from the Golden Retriever, it shows respect and obedience to its owner and slows down activities when asked. You will need to spend time controlling the extra energies of the pet.

The dog shows a lot of affection and love to human beings and animals living with him. It understands emotion and emotional bonds very well. It becomes so close to the family members that it suffers from separation anxiety when left alone in the house for extended hours.

The dog inherits herding characters from Australian Shepherd which it can do in the home as well. So, it’s recommended to discourage such type of habits of the dog in the house. It initially doesn’t mix up with the strangers but after spending a small amount of time it mixes well with strangers as well due to inheritance from the Golden Retriever. So, overall the pet contains a balanced temperament.

Size and Appearance of The Shepherd Retriever

The dog maintains a weight from 50 to 65 pounds in routine and gains maximum height to 23 inches in most cases. It maintains a thick body posture from the Golden Retriever and slim features due to Australian Shepherd. Males carry extra inches of height from females of the same breed.

Brown and black colored eyes can be seen due to the Retriever and bright blue ones from Aussie parents. Nose and lips are mostly black but they may turn brown as well. Overall, the pet looks beautiful and maintains an eye-catching personality.

Coat and Color of the Australian Retriever

Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever contains a double coat that looks amazing and protects it from harsh weather conditions. It sheds in routine throughout the year. But during spring and fall, the frequency of the shedding increases as well. So, you can proactively manage shedding effects by brushing or switching to another dog if you or your family member is irritated from the shedding.

Australian Retriever

The pet can be seen in a variety of coat colors due to inheritance. The dog’s coat can be seen in black, brown, or a mixture of both colors. It can maintain a red color as well due to inheritance from the Golden Retriever. If you want a specific color for your pet, then you can find one easily.

Exercise and Living Situations for the Pet

Any breed of Australian Shepherd or a Golden Retriever has been found energetic and their combination is just awesome and full of energy. Without any cheat days, it’s recommended to take the dog for exercise for approximately one hour to one and a half hours daily. It will pay back in the long term.

Here are some guidelines to make exercise sessions more interesting:

  • Introduce different types of games in the exercise and training sessions.
  • Switch games frequently so that the dog doesn’t feel bored by playing a single game multiple times.
  • Include kids as well in the training.
  • Bringing in other dogs in the exercise session will make the session more interesting.

The pet inherits herding traits from its ancestors and it can torture you as it may herd small kids and pets living in the home. So, make sure to get rid of that habit from your pet as early as possible.


The dog loves training but due to its aggressive nature, it may become difficult for you to train the dog by yourself. So, you can consult the nearby trainer to spend some initial weeks with him to bring him on the track. 

Rewarding the dog during training sessions will help achieve the desired results very quickly. The reward can be given in any form from relaxing training duration or giving a favorite food on the same day. Training sessions will help make a bond with the dog very quickly.

Health of the Shepherd Retriever

Mix breeds in general enjoy good health and the Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever is no exception to this. The pet usually lives an average life of 11 to 14 years.

It may suffer from some diseases and allergies; prominent ones are as follows:

Eye Concerns and Treatment

The pet may face strain while watching different things due to some issue in retinal atrophy or collie eye. Consult the veteran immediately in case of any issues.


One of the most deadly diseases that the Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever adopts from both parents. Chances of survival become minimal but early diagnosis helps in getting more months or years.

Elbow and Hip Dysplasia

It is one of the most common and known diseases among dogs, especially breeds with inherent traits from the Golden Retrievers. The dog feels pain in the hip and elbow joints mainly during the middle years of age. An immediate visit to the veteran helps early recovery from the health issues.


Shepherd Retriever consumes two and a half or 3 cups of kibble in a day. The intake quantity of the food increases as soon as the dog grows. The inclusion of protein in the puppy food makes the muscle and build of the pet strong.

Grooming of Australian Retriever

Grooming of the dog is a daily activity. You need to make a tight schedule in which you will need to do at least the following tasks:

  • Brush the hair of the dog once a day.
  • Brush teeth of the dog daily or at least with a one-day gap.
  • Give a bath to the dog after 2-3 weeks.
  • Trim the nails of the dog as soon as they become visible.
  • Clean the ears of the dog gently as it will help protection from various diseases.
  • Make sure the eyes of the dog remain wet and dust-free.
  • The pet sleeps for at least 7-8 hours a day.
  • Use authorized shampoo while applying on the hairs of the pet.
Australian Retriever

Cost of the Puppy

The cost of the puppy isn’t fixed but you will usually find a good puppy around $700. Online shopping from the direct owner will reduce the extra costs spent through a dealer.

Some Glaring Traits of the Pet and Reasons to Adopt the Pet

  • The dog carries an enormous amount of energy.
  • Exercise is one of the basic requirements for the pet.
  • The pet is very intelligent and learns new things very quickly.
  • New and challenging games make them sharper and wiser.
  • The pets are known for their affection and caring behavior.
  • Larger yards are recommended for exercise and training of the dog.
  • The dog shows special attraction towards children and mixes quickly.
  • Existing pets aren’t threatened by the newcomer Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever.

Frequently Asked Questions

The good is known for its caring and affectionate behavior.

Yes, the dog has a double coat which helps him protection from extreme weather and water.

The dog contains excessive energy and sometimes they can show destructive behavior and bark as well.

Yes, they love cold weather but can’t sustain in the cold weather for an extended time.


Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever is a mixed breed that adopts a good number of amazing traits from its parents. Overall, the breed is widely accepted in the world, especially in the United States. You can buy a good puppy under $1000 and train as per your needs and requirements. You will find a good companion!

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