Dalmatian Golden Retriever Mix – (Goldmatian) Breed Guide (2024)

Dalmatian Retriever

The Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix is a mixed breed of two amazing dogs, the Golden Retriever and the Dalmatian. Both contain amazing, adorable, and sweet habits. Together, they form Goldmatian which inherent maximum traits from its ancestors, thus making it a good family dog.

Well! You might be wondering about its breed’s history, body structure, traits, health issues, and other information about the dog. Your answers are legit and we will cover all such queries in this article step by step. So, after reading the article, you will be able to know all the facts and figures about the Goldmatian.

Dalmatian Breed Summary


19-23 inches


55-70 pounds

Coat Color

Gold, pied, black

Life Span

10-12 years

Suitable for

Families with kids, watchdog, active singles


Friendly, playful, intelligent

Dalmatian Golden

Overview of the Dalmatian Golden Retriever Mix

The dog is a well-known and widely accepted one in the United States as well as Canada due to its intelligence, cool temperament, and other features. It is a small-to-medium-sized dog that is suitable for small and medium-sized home apartments. It looks dashing in Gold and especially black color. 

Golden Dalmatian Puppies

The puppies are common in some areas where Dalmatians are in abundance. So, prices are low at those locations. However, they are rare in some parts due to lacking of the Dalmatian breed especially.

The traits of the pets are usually influenced by their ancestors. So, before adopting the puppy, make sure a thorough analysis of the parent’s documents. It will help in proactively handling health issues and other inherited issues.

Facts About Dalmatian Golden Retriever Mix

Dalmatian is a Mysterious Breed

The breed is a rare breed. It first appeared in a city named Dalmatria, a part of the Mediterranean. The region comes under Croatia along the sea and some islands from the Adriatic Sea.

  Dalmatian-bred dogs are energetic, and active and show a lot of athleticism. They are good for hunting and suit people who love to go outside at different tour spots and need an active companion. 

They exhibited a lot of daring characteristics and didn’t show fear all at any time. They can perform a good role of protector, watchdog, war dog, and draft dog. Initially, they used to enjoy the company of firefighters and they are now used for all types of watchdog activities.

The popularity graph of the Dalmatian, a forefather of the Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix, changed with time. Initially, they became popular and became more famous than any other dog in the United States. But that popularity graph decreased abruptly in the 1900s when other breeds emerged. The major hit-back occurred when people adopted them due to their amazing traits shown in the movies but didn’t find them in reality.

The breed is a social breed that needs attention from its owner. You can’t leave them alone at home for a long time as they feel insecure, bored, and discomfort. Living side by side with human beings and other pets can be considered a wish of the Dalmatian.

Golden Retriever – A Scotland Origin Breed

The breed was born in Scotland. It has a mature history that started in the 1800s when it was heard by Lord Tweddmouth. He was adopting a puppy named Nous because he was a viscount. 

Lord Tweddmouth started breeding Nous in the 1800s. During breeding, he crossed it with another amazing and rare dog at that time, named Tweed Water Spaniel. He crossed some other dogs as well. But his results in the form of Golden Retriever formed from the above said dogs.

In 1925, the breed, Golden Retriever was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club. It ranks 3rd nowadays in terms of popularity. People celebrate its day as well in the last few days to acknowledge its amazing traits.

The Retriever makes itself one of the best family dogs due to its affectionate behavior. It keeps its temperament cool throughout its life except for some difficulty at the age of 2-3 years. It loves to spend time with other dogs, pets, and human beings. Living alone is quite difficult for the dog.

A Social Dog that needs Attention

  Dalmatian Golden Retrievers mix the inheritance of some common traits from their ancestors. One such trait is loyalty, affection, and remaining friendly with family members, especially kids. You can call it a social dog that loves surrounding people and pets.

Living alone in any place for even a single day is very difficult for the Goldmatian. It enjoys going outside in the park, near a lake, or any other healthy spot with its owner. It develops close ties and warm relationships with house members, especially kids. So, don’t worry about leaving your kids with the pet.

Temperament & Intelligence of Goldmatians

The dog maintains a balance between smartness, intelligence, and a decent temperament. Due to higher IQ and sharpness, tackling the dog during training can become a bit difficult. But inheritance, especially from the Retriever, makes a good puppy in terms of maintaining a good temperament. It loves training as well and adopts new things very quickly.

Good Family Dogs

They rank very high in terms of adoption as a good family dog. It understands the social behavior of people living in the house, adjusts quickly with other pets, maintains clear boundaries, and shows obedience to its owner. It socializes itself quickly with all family members and even with people who visit often.

Overall, if you are living in the United States, Canada, or some country in Europe, then the Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix is considered among the leading family dogs. It will make your tough and leisure time more attractive. It provides services as a therapy dog as well.

Behavior With Other Pets

It maintains good behavior with other pets whether cats, dogs, or even birds. It loves playing with them even for the whole day. You don’t need to feel insecure if you are keeping some pets in the house before bringing in the Dalmatian to the home.

Things to Know and Implement When Adopting A Goldmatian Dog

  If you have finally decided to bring in the Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix home, then you should spend time taking care of your dog. It will keep you and your dog happy and above all your pet will enjoy a healthy life.

Here are some guidelines for you:

Food and Diet Requirements

Protein, chicken, and omega-3 are considered the best dog foods for the Goldmatian. Instead of giving food at a single time, it’s better to give the food in small chunks 2-3 times a day. The dog is a foody one and it will damage its stomach when it sees food in abundance. So, try to maintain a schedule and food quantity.


Due to inheritance from the Golden Retriever, it loves exercise. You can play different sports like football, swimming, running, etc. with your lovely Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix. Half an hour to 75 minutes of exercise will be sufficient for the dog. If you love going outside for running or roaming around, then take your pet with you and run for at least 14 miles a week.


   Training is considered the basic pillar for family dogs. You need to spend at least 2-3 months for the training of your pet. Teach him the way you want him to behave. It will quickly understand and adopt new lessons in its life after conducting training sessions. As it is an obedient and loyal dog, you can train your dog yourself with a little effort.


Grooming the dog is a very important activity so it feels comfortable and looks adorable.

Here are some grooming tips for the Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix:

  • Brush your dog at least 2-3 times a week to cater for shedding.
  • Bathing is important and should be done at least once a week.
  • Ear cleaning is important and should be done in 2-3 times a week.
  • Cleaning teeth is a regular activity, preferably once a day.
  • Nail trimming should be done in alternative weeks.
  • Usage of proper shampoos is recommended to avoid making skin patches.

Health Conditions

Goldman maintains good health due to a mixed-breed dog.

Here are some minor and serious health issues that your dog may face:

Minor Conditions

  • Entropion
  • Deafness
  • Allergies

Serious Conditions

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Renal dysplasia
  • Epilepsy

Dalmatian Traits Comparative Analysis

Affection Level








Exercise Needs




Energy Level






Tendency to Bark


Amount of Shedding


Male vs Female Goldmatian

To date, there aren’t glaring differences in traits and build structure of the Dalmatian Golden Retriever mix male and female.


Dalmatian Golden Retriever Mix is a mixed breed dog of one popular dog, the Golden Retriever, and one rare dog, the Dalmatian. Ancestors of the pet are known for social behavior, cool temperament, and a good family dog. It can exhibit watchdog traits due to inheritance from the Dalmatian. So, overall you can bring in the Goldmatian home without any hesitation!

Frequently Asked Questions

The price of Goldmatian varies from $100 to $2000. Younger pets are a little bit cheaper than older ones. Moreover, the price of male and female dogs do vary a bit.

They don’t bark a lot even though they bark seldom unlike their ancestors. They are known for their quiet and calm temperament.

No, they aren’t aggressive overall. They show aggression from 2-3 years of their age. But overall, you can comfortably train your dog and trust even with your kids as they have a good temperament.

No, you need to do a lot of maintenance and care. They are small, calm, and look adorable without glaring maintenance.

No, the breed sheds at a moderate level. They shed in abundance, especially in spring and fall. Brushing, at least 2-3 times a week, helps tackle the situation well!

Yes, they are very good swimmers. They can jump in the deep water while sitting on the boat.

Yes, they do know the mood and show affection and loyalty. You can use their services as a therapy dog as well.

Due to their amazing obedience, loyalty, and friendly nature, they are considered among the leading dogs for a house. It accepts and provides space for human beings and pets in the same house.

They don’t shed a lot and don’t fall prey to multiple health issues. But no dog is completely allergy-free if you are suffering from some disease like asthma etc. So, visiting the veteran for regular checkups will inform you about the density of the allergy. 

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