Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix – A Complete Guide

Golden retriever pitbull mix

Finding a perfect mix breed pet that can be trained and added into the home with other pets seems almost impossible. Pitbull is known for aggression and baiting while the Golden retriever is considered as an affectionate dog. So, is there a mixed breed of two legendary dogs available, and if so what are the traits of the new breed?

Golden Retriever Pitbull mix, sometimes called a lion on social media, is a very handsome dog with loyalty, affection, and many more features. Both breeds have strong legacies and well-known in the market for a long time. I will cover the history, traits, health issues, and additional benefits of the breed for you in this article.

Introduction of the New Breed

Combining both breeds makes a unique cross that inherits traits of both breeds. Pitbull is known for its strong physique and athletic abilities and the Golden Retriever for loyalty and easy-to-train. Together we get an intelligent pet that responds to care and shows marvelous courage as well. The breed has gained popularity in recent years.

History of the Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix

We take an eye-bird’s view of parents of the breed to get a better picture regarding traits of the Pitbull Retriever mix. Golden Retriever is itself a crossbreed of two popular dog breeds whereas Pitbul has its repute among dog lovers. The resulting breed contains just awesome attributes.

Golden Retrievers were seeded in Scotland in the mid-19th century and were initially known for their hunting cravings and amazing results. Water dogs, swimming and hunting lovers, and Spaniels were two major breeds of the said pet in early variants of the dog. The pet is popular for small homeowners due to its intelligence and caring nature to other breeds.

Pitbull has been known for years but it doesn’t get positive remarks initially. The pet’s ancestors gave birth in England and was initially known for baiting a bull and afterward, it actively participated in dog fights. After a lot of effort by some great pet lovers, they were able to train the Pitbull like any other breed and found it affectionate as well.

There aren’t any specific dates available that lead us to the exact birth date of the new breed. But many believe its origin in the early 20th century. The crossbreed is well accepted by both dog lovers in routine and especially family members who need a dog at home.

Physique and Color of the Pitbull Retriever Mix

Unlike a Golden Retriever, which is small in size, the new mix has a somewhat better size from 18 to 24 inches. A well-grown pet carries a weight from 55 to 75 pounds. A little bit of variation in size and weight is possible due to ancestors and environmental changes.

The breed doesn’t carry a single color; it rather contains multiple colors like black, red, brindle, and golden as well. So, if you are planning to find a black Golden Retriever, then you must go for the Golden Retriever Pitbull mix. The pet inherits a very thick coat from its forefathers, the Golden Retriever.

The pet contains a very wide and good-looking head and round-shaped eyes that make it adorable. Brown and hazel shades of eyes can be seen easily. Medium-sized, partially vertical, and sometimes floppy ears add more beauty to the appearance of the pet.  

3 Reasons Why You Should not Buy A Pitbull Retriever Mix

If you can’t give time to your pet in your routine and leave the dog alone at home for days, then it will panic and may disturb itself or bring chaos to neighbors. Leaving a pet with any family member or even some other pet like a parrot or cat will make it feel secure and comfortable.

  The pet has the full capability to make torn-up sheets and damaged furniture in your house easily. Pitbull is already known for aggression and if not trained it can make the situation miserable. Teaching and training properly to the pet can resolve the issue very early.

Training the pet will be challenging for the new dog owners. Experienced dog lovers will feel less difficulty as compared to the new ones as the pet doesn’t obey the owner initially due to its fighting and independent legacy. If you aren’t confident enough in training the dog, then try to consult a nearby dog trainer which will help achieve desired results.

3 Reasons Why Should Adopt a Pitbull Retriever Mix

The Golden Retriever is famous for its caring, adjustability with humans as well as other pets, and loyalty. Pitbull loves training and shows enough faith in its owner but when trained properly. So, make a training schedule before bringing the pet to the home.

The pet loves energetic tasks and roaming around in the yard and parks. So, if you love going outside frequently then the Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix will be a good company.

Grooming the Pitbull Retriever Mix

Taking care and reasonable grooming make the pet look more beautiful and secures him from a lot of known and unknown diseases.

Here are some tips regarding grooming of the Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix:

  • Give a bath to your pet regularly, preferably once a month.
  • Due to the aggressive nature of Pitbull, make sure nails are trimmed at least once a week.
  • Daily light brushing will make your pet feel more affectionate and gain an amazing appearance.
  • Cleaning the eyes and ears with gentle care on alternate days

Pitbull Retriever Health Problems

The Golden Retriever Pitbull mix usually lives an average life of 10-15 years. If a dog takes a healthy diet and goes for exercise regularly, then the probability of health problems decreases.

The pet may suffer from the following diseases:

Bloat Impact

The pet may face issues in the digestion system when intake of food is in abundance or some infection happens with the stomach. The pet will feel pain and if not treated well in time then the issue can become chronic.

Here are the symptoms of the disease:

  • The belly swells immediately and causes pain.
  • Drooling;
  • The pet feels discomfort and shows panic signals.

Hip Dysplasia

Mostly larger dogs suffer from this disease. The disease can be avoided if precautions are taken well in time. However, it can make the life of the dog miserable if not treated well.

Here are some precautionary measures:

  • Make sure your Golden Retriever Pitbull takes a proper diet full of nutrients.
  • The dog performs a regular exercise session from 20-30 minutes minimum.
  • Ensure that the dog doesn’t jump unnecessarily which causes pain in the stomach.

Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix Training

The pet is an intelligent one and grasps new things very quickly. If you are an expert, then you should train your dog yourself. Otherwise, you can consult a nearby professional trainer.

Here are some training tips:

  • Training sessions should be short and repetitive so that your pet doesn’t feel bored.
  • Take a high ground and pass different orders to your pet so that he knows to obey with time.
  • Encourage and appreciate your dog when performs something good especially when implements the order in true form.
  • Include some kid or some other puppy as well in the training to let him know the importance of teamwork and living together.


Golden Retriever Pitbull Mix is among the top leading dog breeds in the World due to strong inheritance. The dog shows intelligence, smartness, and affection to a great level. The pet is recommended for adoption at home but a little bit of training is required.

Frequently Asked Questions

The pet has a lovable personality as it knows how to live with humans and other pets.

A male usually gets a height between 18 and 21 and a female from 17 to 20. The weight of the male is usually 35-60 lbs and the female weighs around 30-50 lbs.

The pet shows a good sense of ownership and affection when trained responsibly and with due diligence by some professional or owner. American Dog Company has also graded pit bulls among stable breeds of dog.

Even though Golden Retrievers are the best dogs for the home but still we can’t deny that the tendency to bite is at least two times more than pit bulls.

Yes, the pet is known for its super loyalty and remains faithful to its owners in all types of situations.

No, a pit bull isn’t recognized as a pure breed but a mixed breed.

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