Dogs Similar to Golden Retrievers

12 Most Popular Dogs Similar to Golden Retrievers (With Picture) 2024

               The Golden Retriever is the most popular dog breed in the world. Dog lovers love this breed because of its intelligence, friendliness, loyalty, temper, gentle, playful, kind, devoted, and outgoing nature. According to United States statistics, people love them because of their classical personalities and charm.

              In 2022, they became so popular that they were the world’s fourth most in-demand dog breed. They are the most trustworthy breeds. They get along and make a great family with children, strangers, and other animals.

              This list is a treasure trove if you want a dog breed other than the Golden Retriever but want that classical look. We provide 12 breeds with unique physical similarities and distinct characteristics, offering diverse options to explore. This variety empowers you to find a breed that matches your preferences and lifestyle perfectly.

The 12 Dog Breeds That Look Like Goldens

             In this article, we provide the 13 dog breeds that look like Golden Retriever dogs, and you consider them instead of Golden Retriever.

  1.   Labrador Retriever
  2.   Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  3.   The Great Pyrenees
  4.   Irish Setters
  5.   Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers
  6.   Leonberger
  7.   Flat-Coated Retriever
  8.   Curly-Coated Retrievers
  9.   Kuvasz
  10.   Himalayan Sheepdog
  11.   Cocker Spaniel
  12.   Chow Chow

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever Dog

              Labradors are the most famous dog breed in the world. They are friendly, Intelligent, playful, gentle, kind, and outgoing. They are obedient and the most trusted dog breed that gets along with your children, strangers, and other pets.

              Labradors are very similar to Golden Retrievers. They are also the same height and weight and have floppy ears. They both have active and spotting groups of pups and are very easy to train. 

Golden RetrieverLabrador Retriever
Height21.5–24 inches21.5–24.5 inches
Weight65–75 pounds65–80 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatShort, straight, and dense
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenYellow, chocolate, black
Lifespan10–12 years

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

              This dog breed developed in the Chesapeake Bay area of the United States during the 19th century. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a medium—to large-sized dog. It is intelligent, loving, Playful, devoted, dominant, and affectionate. It is from retriever and spotting groups.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever dog

              They are a newer breed and more active and aggressive than the Golden Retriever. While the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is not perfect for apartment living like the Golden Retriever, it is best suited for fieldwork. They have the same physical characteristics as the Golden Retriever, but the coat size will differ.

Golden RetrieverChesapeake Bay Retriever
Height21.5–24 inches21–26 inches
Weight55–75 pounds55–80 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatMedium size, wiry, curly
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenBrown, chocolate, liver
Lifespan10–12 years10–13 years

The Great Pyrenees

              The Great Pyrenees were developed in France. They are large, calm, independent, and powerful mountain dogs, often called patou. They are used as livestock guard dogs, protecting sheep from large predators like wolves.

Great Pyrenees Dog

               They are the same as Golden Retrievers, although they are a bit bigger and generally have more volume in their fur. Great Pyrenees are lovely, intelligent, patient, and fluffy dogs with light-colored coats. Training Great Pyrenees is harder.

               The Golden Retriever is playful and energetic, but the Great Pyrenees tend to be calmer.

Golden RetrieverThe Great Pyrenees
Height21.5–24 inches25–32 inches
Weight55–75 pounds100–160 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatLong hair
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenAll white or white with markings of beautiful shades of gray, tan, reddish-brown, or badger.
Lifespan10–12 years10–12 years

Irish Setters

               Irish Setters originated in Ireland as gundogs and are the heirs of the English Setter. They are from spotting groups. Before firearms were invented, the Irish Setter was purposefully bred to help bird hunters.

Irish Setter Dog

              The Irish Setter’s height and weight are very similar to those of the Golden Retriever; their skull size is a little bit larger and narrower. Both are covered with curly fur, and they have the same personality. Irish Setters are very intelligent, playful, affectionate, energetic, and easy to train. They are very open with strangers and other dogs.

Golden RetrieverIrish Setter
Height21.5–24 inches25–27 inches
Weight55–75 pounds60–70 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatGrace, swift and flashy
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenMahogany, red, chestnut
Lifespan10–12 years12–15 years

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers

               The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers were developed in the 19th century by sportsmen in the Little River District of Nova Scotia, Yarmouth County, Canada. They are small—to medium-sized gundogs primarily used as hunting breeds, similar to the Golden Retriever. 

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever dog

               They are intelligent, alert, devoted, playful, gentle, energetic, patient, loving, and outgoing. Their face and body are very similar, but their fur is light brown, not golden yellow, and they have white hair around their chest, muzzle, and chin. 

               They are very easy to train, and they are great with kids and make friends easily with new people.

Golden RetrieverNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Height21.5–24 inches17–21 inches
Weight55–75 pounds35–50 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatMedium-length coat with a softer, denser undercoat
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenVarying shades of red or orange, with white on the chest, feet, and on top of the nose
Lifespan10–12 years12–14 years


               The giant dog we know today as the Leonberger is named after the city of Leonberg, Germany, where it first originated. It is not very similar to the Goolden Retriever. The Leonberger’s fur is long and dark, and it is heavier and larger than the Golden Retriever’s. It also has the same double coats and long poofy tails.

Leonberger Dog

               They are very friendly, intelligent, calm, and easy to train but less energetic and playful. Are you looking for a lively yet more laid-back canine companion compared to the energetic Leonberger? This is the perfect choice for a family seeking a balance of fun and calm.

Golden RetrieverLeonberger
Height21.5–24 inches25–32 inches
Weight55–75 pounds90–50 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatLong, water-resistant double-coat
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenYellow, golden to red, and red-brown, also sand-colored (cream, pale yellow)
Lifespan10–12 years8–11 years

Flat-Coated Retriever

               The Flat-coated Retriever is a medium-to-large member of the gun dog family native to the United Kingdom. It is very similar to the golden retriever, which is the same height and weight and has thick, medium-length coats. They are black, silver, or dark brown, not in golden color.

Flat-Coated Retriever

               They are active, outgoing, confident, loving, energetic, and gentle breed. Friendly and pleasant, this pet is great with kids and other animals, making it the perfect addition to any family. 

Golden RetrieverFlat-coated Retriever
Height21.5–24 inches22–24.5 inches
Weight55–75 pounds60–80 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatFlat-lying coat
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenBlack, liver
Lifespan10–12 years8–10 years, up to 14 years
Flat-Coated Retriever

Curly-Coated Retrievers

               The curly-coated retriever is very similar to the golden retriever, but only their coat will be different. Their fur is so curly, and the color is dark. They are affectionate, playful, lovely, intelligent, and energetic, and they are very easy to train. 

Curly-Coated Retriever dog

               They are less welcoming towards strangers and other pets, but they are not aggressive.

Golden RetrieverCurly-Coated Retrievers
Height21.5–24 inches25–27 inches
Weight55–75 pounds60–95 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatshort
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenBlack, Liver
Lifespan10–12 years10– 12 years
Curly-Coated Retrievers


               Did you know that Kuvaszs are massive dogs originally from Hungary? They have been around for many generations and are bred to protect livestock. Kuvaszs are larger and fluffier dogs, and their many other physical characteristics are similar to those of Golden Retrievers.

Kuvasz dog

               They are very intelligent, brave, alert, loyal, and loving. They are best for hunting. They have floppy ears, a poofy tail, and a soft double coat. They are very easy to train. 

Golden RetrieverKuvasz
Height21.5–24 inches26–30 inches
Weight55–75 pounds70–115 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatMedium length; thick hairs can vary from fairly straight to wavy to curly
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenAll white, although shades may vary
Lifespan10–12 years10–12 years
Kuvasz Table

Himalayan Sheepdog (Bhotias)

               Himalayan Sheepdogs (Bhotias) are from the Himalayan region and are found in Uttarakhand, the state of India. They are medium to large in size and can be considered mastiffs due to their large size. They have long been valued for their ability to protect livestock and families from wild predators in the remote valleys and snowy mountains of the Himalayas.

Himalayan Sheepdog (Bhotias) dog
Golden RetrieverBhotia Dog
Height21.5–24 inches22–28 inches
Weight55–75 pounds66–88 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatMedium to long, double-coated rough coats
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenRed, black, brown, black and tan, brown and tan
Lifespan10–12 years10–13 years
Himalayan Sheepdog (Bhotias)

Cocker Spaniel

               The cocker spaniel is available in two types: American and English. They are small hunting breeds and belong to the sporting group. The English Cocker Spaniel is very gentle, lovely, energetic and lively. They are great with kids and make friends easily with new people.

Cocker Spaniel dog
Golden RetrieverCocker Spaniel
Height21.5–24 inches15–17 inches
Weight55–75 pounds25–34 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatMedium to long and silky smooth outer coat
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenBlack, blue roan, orange roan, black and tan
Lifespan10–12 years12–15 years
Cocker Spaniel Table

Chow Chow

               Chow chows are very similar to golden retrievers. They are loyal, calm, intelligent, medium-sized dog breeds. They are quiet and well-behaved, very easy to train, and super clean, and their coats are long, rough, or smooth.

Chow Chow Dog
Golden RetrieverChow Chow Dog
Height21.5–24 inches17–20 inches
Weight55–75 pounds50–75 pounds
CoatLong and smooth outer coat; soft and fuzzy undercoatMedium to long, rough or smooth coats
ColorDark golden, light golden, cream, goldenRed, black, blue, cinnamon, or cream
Lifespan10–12 years9–12 years
Chow Chow

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