What are the different types of golden retriever?

Different Types of Golden Retriever

A Golden Retriever is among the most demanded family dogs in the United States, Canada, and Europe due to its smiling, loving, and adorable personality. But do you know what the different types of Golden Retriever are? Well! There are 8 types of Golden Retrievers overall, but these are just 3 types.

Confused? Don’t worry! We will tell you all 8 types of Golden Retrievers, their short description, and a quick history. Most importantly, after reading this article, you can choose the best dog for your home. Sounds interesting! Let’s dive deep into finding out more features.

Brief History

The history of the Golden Retriever goes back to 1800 when it was bred for hunting and retrieving purposes. It performed its hunting tasks very well throughout Europe and gradually it was well-accepted in the United States and Canada. It’s now a top-notch dog and mostly suited for small to medium families living in small to medium apartments.

Different Types of Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are usually considered as a single main breed. However, it is further categorized into three main breeds which are the American Golden Retriever, Canadian Retriever, and English Cream Retriever. But that list doesn’t stop there rather there are some other types due to various traits and coat types:

Different Types of Golden Retriever

A mini Golden Retriever

As the name suggests, it’s a small-size Golden Retriever that possesses all types of traits that a Golden Retriever has except the size. Usually, it is bred by crossing an American Golden Retriever and a miniature Poodle, the resulting breed is just awesome. Being a mixed breed, they suffer very little from various diseases.

The color coat of a mini Golden Retriever varies from light cream to dark golden. Their height fluctuates a lot but they don’t gain height more than 20 inches. Weight is also low which is between 30 and 50 pounds.

mini golden retriever

American Golden Retriever

American Golden Retrievers are considered as most famous breeds in the class. You will see them running and actively participating in various movies. It’s mostly considered as the general or standard Retriever compared to Canadian and English Retrievers.

A male American Retriever gains height from 23 to 24 inches and 65 to 75 pounds while its female counterpart maintains a height of 21.5 to 22.5 inches and weighs a little bit low from 55 to 65 pounds.

The breed is most suited for young and active people who love to visit outside very often. They know how to please their owners and their intelligence is not questionable at all.

American Golden Retriever

Canadian Retrievers

A Canadian retriever is much like an American Golden Retriever. A male Canadian Retriever weighs the same as an American Golden Retriever i.e. 65 to 75 pounds and height from 23-24 inches. Similarly, a female Canadian Golden Retriever weighs 55-65 and maintains a height from 21.5 to 22.5 inches.

We can comfortably say that Canadian and American Retrievers are similar dogs but live in distinct places.

English Golden Retriever

British Retriever recognized the breed in 1931 and after one year American Kennel Club (AKC) accepted it. They are very similar to an American Retriever but there are some very obvious differences.

Usually, they are a little lighter shade than a common Golden Retriever. They are also called Cream Retrievers due to their creamy colors. A male gains height from 22 to 24 inches and a female maintains a height from 20 to 22 inches. It usually weighs from 55 to 70 pounds.

They enjoy good health and usually suffer less from genetic diseases like hip and joint dysplasia.

English Golden Retriever

English Cream Golden Retriever

Oh! Are you thinking that it’s a mistake but it isn’t? An English Cream Golden Retriever is a sub breed of the English Retrievers. They are also known as white European dogs. A male gains height from 21 to 24 inches and a female gains height from 20 to 23 inches. A male carries a weight from 50 to 75 pounds whereas a female weighs less approximately 45 to 70 pounds.

The said breed is known for its intelligence and smartness. It won’t take much of your time for training. Apart from outperforming in intelligence, they are very calm, and stable and possess a very balanced temperament.

Field Golden Retriever

A Field Golden Retriever maintains a coat color from dark golden to red. They are a bit shorter than other breeds of the Retriever class. A male gains height from 21 to 23 inches and a female gains height from 21 to 22 inches. A male usually weighs from 60 to 70 pounds while a female weighs from 50 to 65 pounds.

They are suited for people who visit outside frequently for playing, walking, or jogging. They are good swimmers and can swim and help in fishing as well. If you are an introvert and want to spend maximum time at home then it may not be the best choice for you.

Field Golden Retriever

Red Golden Retrievers

It’s another Field Retriever that contains a red coat. Its hairs are thin and long and they maintain a brighter color than its counterparts in the same breed.

A male gains height from 22 to 23 inches while a female maintains a height from 21 to 22.5 inches. An adult male weighs from 65 to 75 pounds while a female weighs from 55 to 65 pounds.

Red Golden Retriever 4

They are again an active breed who love to go outside and want to consume energy by playing games and performing different tasks. They are, no doubt, very intelligent and smart and learn new things very quickly.

Show Golden Retriever

Well! This is not a specific breed rather you breed a Retriever as your choice to win and compete at various dog shows. They look beautiful with their long hair and stunning looks.

Black Golden Retriever

Unfortunately, a pure black Retriever is almost impossible to find. You can have greyish shades that look very much like a pure black Retriever. Due to a mixed breed, they don’t contain a fixed height and weight but mostly they maintain a weight from 50 to 75 pounds.

Black Golden Retriever

Right Golden Retriever For Me

Well! All Golden Retrievers have their distinctive coats and slight variations in temperament and intelligence. If you are living in a small size apartment, then choose a mini Golden Retriever. However, if you are looking for a black Retriever, then choose a black Golden Retriever.


Golden Retrievers come in 3 main types which are American, Canadian, and English Retriever, and apart from these main breed types, they have around 8 different shades. There are variations in height, weight, and above all colors. You can your desired pet easily from our presented list.

Frequently Asked Questions

American Golden Retriever is considered the best Retriever dog.

There are 3 different types of Golden Retrievers instead of 2.

They are intelligent, and smart, and know how to please their owners.

Yes, they are known for their friendly and affectionate behavior.

No, it won’t be pure black rather it would be mixed color breed.

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