Why Should I Buy a Golden Retriever?

Why Should I Buy a Golden Retriever?

Buying and adopting a dog like the Golden Retriever for the long term seems a very confusing and difficult decision. But don’t worry! We will help in making such an important decision by presenting more than 3 dozen reasons why you should buy a Golden Retriever.

A Quick Recap of Its History

A Golden Retriever is a mixed-breed of the classic Golden Retriever, a loyal and affectionate dog, and a Cocker Spaniel or Poodle, a humble and sweet dog. Its ancestors have a good reputation and are accepted by the American Kennel Club. Mini Golden Retriever has gained popularity in the last 5-10 years mainly in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

Top Line Characteristics

One of the most all type accepted characteristics of the dog is its loyalty and friendly nature. It is a completely social animal and adjusts in almost every situation without any dedicated list of demands. It’s considered among the most demanded family dogs due to its loving nature. 

Why Should I Buy a Golden Retriever?

Great! You have taken an overview. Now, let’s go a marathon and carry out forensics and make a final decision regarding buying a Golden Retriever or not.

Physical Characteristics

Longer Lifespan

Being a mixed breed dog, it faces fewer health issues throughout its life and that’s why the probability of life expectancy increases. It is believed that it lives at least 50% more than a standard Golden Retriever. So, if you are looking for a long-term companion then a mini Golden Retriever will serve the purpose.

Less Risk of Hip Dysplasia

One of the most painful and discomfort diseases that a classic Golden Retriever faces is hip dysplasia. The main reason for its occurrence is weak growth of muscles and excessive exercise sessions. Fortunately, a mini Golden Doodle seldom faces such an issue. People who have dealt with Retrievers, know very well about said disease.

Fewer Chances of Cancer

Due to their strong genetics and inheritance from the Poodle apart from the Retriever, the chances of cancer decrease. You might know that around 60% of deaths in standard Retrievers are caused by cancer alone. So, feel relaxed about possible loss from the cancer.

Irresistible Size

Well! A mini Golden Retriever contains a size that is suitable for people living in small apartments and even in larger houses. It will charm and amaze you with its almost ideal size in the home and even outside in parks as well. Otherwise, you will find too big or too small size dogs, but that’s not the case for said dogs.

Adorable and Amazing Appearance

Don’t worry about spending a lot of money on their grooming. It looks amazing with deep eyes, radiant ears, and a decent body posture. You can take your pet to various events without any hesitation.

Travels Willingly

  A mini Golden Retriever is a social dog that loves to spend maximum time with human beings. It will calmly travel with you. Yes, you are right! It won’t take up much space as well.


Due to inheritance from the Poodle, it sheds very minimally. So, if you are suffering from any allergy and are reluctant to adopt any dog due to allergy, then keep in mind that a mini Golden Retriever will not disappoint you as it is hypoallergenic.

Less Shedding

It sheds very less as compared to any other dog, even one of its ancestors, the Golden Retriever. It will save you time otherwise you need to brush a lot to counter shedding.

Personality of the Pet

Family Oriented Pet

Multiple reasons make us believe that it’s one of the best family dogs. It loves to play with owners, family members, and mostly with kids. Due to its smaller size, it won’t destroy your home items, and even don’t worry about your kids when playing alone with the said dog. 

A Loving Dog

The pet reciprocates loving behavior exponentially. It develops strong ties with its family members. It gives space to cats and parrots as well, already living in the house. Due to inheritance from the Retriever, it contains a soft mouth, so don’t stop him from playing with you or any of your family members.

Loyal Companion

Loyalty ends at dogs and said dog is no exception to this. It will immediately show its watchdog capabilities whenever required. So, remain confident about its loyalty and ownness.    

High Energy Level

Don’t underestimate its energy level due to its smaller size. It will keep on playing for an extended time. Life in your house will keep on running due to your kids and your amazing pet, i.e. the mini Golden Retriever.  

Playful Nature

Unlike other small-sized dogs, they don’t sit for the whole day. They love to play and enjoy every possible moment. So, if you can afford it, prepare a dedicated space to exert your energies while playing.

Companion With All Ages

The pet has a flexible personality. It behaves well with kids, adults, and senior persons as well. As it is an intelligent dog, it knows when to show energy and when to stay calm. 

Good Behavior and Quick Learner

They are known for their awesome behavior. With a little training, they become more disciplined in their day-to-day dealings. They learn things very quickly. So, you will see drastic changes in their behavior with even a small amount of training.

Party Dogs

They aren’t afraid of people and hence parties. You can bring him to any event without any worry. If you can socialize your dog with your close fellows, it will be easy for your dog. Due to the paucity of time, it still won’t disappoint you in a big gathering.

Eager to Please

A mini Golden Retriever is known for its therapy services. It is so amazing that it knows how to please its owner. It will give you comfort whenever you are feeling disappointed and alone.

A Long Term Companion

By inheritance, it develops social bonds with its owners and especially other family members gradually. You will find a very good and long-term companion in the form of the mini Golden Retriever.

Water Lovers

Thanks to an inheritance from the Poodle, they love to swim. So, if you have a swimming pool in the house or can afford to visit a nearby lake, then do carry your pet with you. It will give you company in the swimming pool as well.

Intelligence and Interaction


Said dog is highly intelligent. Its ancestors, Retriever and Poodle, have been known for their high intelligence. It has evolved with the time. So, be ready to mesmerize with intelligence.

Retriever and Hunting Instinct

The dog inherited retrieving and hunting instincts from the Golden Retriever and Poodle respectively. It will joyfully play hide and seek with you and your kids.

Therapy Dogs

One of the main reasons behind their recent popularity is their services as a therapy dog. It has become one of the major requirements for a dog, especially in the United States. So, if you need a therapy dog, then you should buy a mini Golden Retriever.

Exercise Partners

They love to exercise and exert their energy by playing various games. So, if you are planning to go outside for a walk or jog, take your pet with you. It will continue doing exercise and energetic things for hours.


They are very resilient to various environmental and climate changes. Whether you are taking them to mountainous terrain, plain ground, or even a lakeside, it will accept all such situations. Similarly, it adopts very quickly in small and medium size houses without much strain.

Tracking Abilities

Tracking abilities come from both ancestors. Their smelling instinct is at least 40 times more than a human being. You can train your dog as well. It will never disappoint you in finding an important thing which you may have lost or unable to find early. It will be very handy in retrieving lost things.

Loyal and Independent

During events and festivals, it will know its space. It will come close to you when you ask and walk independently when required. So, it depicts a good sense of proportion and intelligence during such events.

Sharp Memory

A high intelligence level and a sharp memory make the mini Golden Retriever a special dog. It learns and retains new tasks and lessons for a longer time. This is one of the reasons for their better social behaviour and a good sense of proportion.

Cuddling Nature

They love to cuddle with their owners and family members. Your time, day and night, with your pet, will become more amazing due to their cuddling nature.

Social Butterflies   

They know and enjoy interacting with human beings. You can call them social butterflies as well.

Good Behavior With Other Animals

Their loving nature doesn’t stop at good behavior with human beings. They show affection and joyful natures toward other animals, especially those living with them. So, don’t worry about the safety of your existing pets. You can buy a mini Golden Retriever without worrying about the well-being of other pets.


Low Grooming Cost

Well! You might be worried about the grooming cost of your dog. That’s not the case for the mini Golden Doodle. It is a very beautiful and adorable dog that sheds very little. Bathing, once a month, brushing, 2-3 times a week, nail trimming, once a month, and ear cleaning, 2-3 times a week, are sufficient to achieve better health and stunning looks for your pet.

Low Food Requirements

2-3 cups a meal daily is sufficient for said dogs. They may fall prey to obesity if they intake too much food. So, don’t give them too much food as it will impact badly on their health. So, if money has stopped you from buying said dog, then don’t worry about its food requirements and buy a mini Golden Retriever.

Critical Analysis Regarding Buying a Mini Golden Retriever

  • Before we conclude, let’s take a quick and comprehensive analysis of the key traits of the mini Golden Retriever to make a final decision.
  • Health is the key and the mini Golden Retriever enjoys good health due to lack of cancer and hip dysplasia issues. Being a mixed breed, it suffers from fewer diseases than a pure-bred dog.
  • The appearance and looks of the pet are stunning. Whether you want to keep them at home or take them to an event, the curly, wavy coats having various shades of Golden will look amazing. 
  • A highly intelligent, smart dog that carries amazing memory. It learns new things quickly and maintains a good sense of proportion.
  • Maintenance costs and food requirements are very low. So, you don’t need to spend a handsome amount of money to bring a mini Golden Retriever.
  • Although, it’s a completely subjective decision of whether to buy a Golden Retriever or not. But after going through all such traits of the dog, one question will give answers to all your queries, i.e. what else do you want?


A mini Golden Retriever is one of the best family dogs that requires minimal food, and grooming and it possesses intelligence, smartness, and memory in abundance. It’s used as a service dog that shows a lot of affection and becomes a long-term companion for people of all ages. So, after going through a critical analysis, we think that it’s easy for you to decide about buying and adopting a mini Golden Retriever.

Frequently Asked Questions

They show unconditional love and affection towards their owners, other human beings, and even pets as well.

No, it’s very easy to manage Retrievers. If you haven’t experienced adopting a dog before, still you will be able to handle them very well.

They are loving, playful, intelligent, smart, happy, and above all caring ones. In short, they make themselves perfect family dogs.

Due to their genetics, they show a balanced and calm temperament.

They have a playful nature, yet they are very gentle.

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